Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

10/24/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/24/2023 04:11


His Excellency Wang Yi, Director of the Foreign Affairs Commission of Politburo of CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister of People's Republic of China, Excellencies Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, Assalam-o-alaikum and Dajia Hao, It is my great pleasure to attend this special event marking the 10th anniversary of President Xi's concept of good neighbourliness based on amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. I thank Government of China for its invitation and warm hospitality. Let me first congratulate the government of China for hosting this international symposium, right after the successful conclusion of 3rd Belt and Road Forum, which itself is a shining manifestation of China's good neighbourliness principles. Distinguished Guests, This symposium is being held at a time when the global landscape is undergoing unprecedented evolution, presenting us with challenges which are formidable, and as President Xi often states, unseen in a century. The main elements of these global challenges are: - Firstly, the geopolitical tensions, both on a global scale and within our region, are giving rise to bloc politics, Cold War mentality and ideological divisions; - Secondly, the fundamental principles of international system firmly rooted in multilateralism with UN at its core, are being questioned and eroded; - Thirdly, the non-traditional threats like pandemics, migration, rise of non-state actors, terrorism, organized crime, and food insecurity have created implications for our national security; - Fourthly, economic inequalities, both within nations and on a global scale, continue to persist; - Fifthly, climate change and environmental degradation arguably represents an existential threat to our planet earth; - And last but not the least, we have grave human rights violations being faced by a large chunk of humanity. Dear friends, In the ever-evolving landscape of international politics, it is imperative that we move away from the shadows of conflict and embrace dialogue. We must shun violence and war and focus on dialogue-based conflict resolution. The unfolding crisis in Gaza has shaken the very soul of humanity. Israeli aggression on Gaza continues unabated with complete blockade and no supply of essential food and medicines. We thank Excellency Wang Yi for supporting the just cause of Palestinians. We fully agree with you that the question of Palestine is at the heart of the Middle East issue and its roots cause is the long delay in realizing an independent state of Palestine and the failure to readdress the historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian people. The international community must raise its voice and the UN must play its role for cessation of hostilities, creation of a humanitarian corridor and resumption of an inclusive and transparent peace process to secure the realization of the two states solution. Similarly, in our own neighbourhood, millions of Kashmiris in the illegally occupied territories of Jammu and Kashmir are still awaiting fulfillment of their right to self-determination enshrined in UN Security Council resolutions. Distinguished Guests, In these testing times, President Xi's landmark initiatives of Belt and Road Initiative, Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative offer us a wholesome and practical solution for international peace and security. BRI is a visionary concept, which has a worldwide appeal and membership. It has brought a paradigm shift to the concepts of development, connectivity and regional integration. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has become a model and exemplary project of BRI having transformed the economic landscape of Pakistan. As an open and inclusive platform, CPEC is now invitingparticipation from third countries. Global Development Initiative has placed development at the core of China's exchanges with the world, accelerating the UN 2030 SDGs Agenda. Pakistan is the first partner country of China under GDI. Together, as good neighbours and best friends, we are charting a course of action for socio-economic development and uplift. Similarly, Global Security and Global Civilization Initiatives are setting a new course by presenting over-arching concepts contributing positively to the global security and civilizational landscapes. These initiatives are also assuming an increasingly central role in our neighbourhood diplomacy and concepts. Distinguished Guests, The principles of President Xi's concept of good neighbourliness resonate deeply with the guiding ideology of Pakistan's foreign policy as outlined by our founding father, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. He once said 'Our object should be peace within, and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial and friendly relations with our immediate neighbours and with the world at large'. Pakistan-China relationship is a practical demonstration of the vision of our founding father. It's an all-weather partnership deeply rooted in mutual trust and respect. It is time-tested and timeless, and nurtured over the years by successive generations of our governments and our people. Each of the four sub-themes - fostering amity with neighbours, sincere interaction, mutual benefits, and the spirit of openness and inclusion - form the very pillars of this symposium. They remind us that in diplomacy, our greatest strength is understanding one another, coming together and moving forward as partners in progress. Dear Friends, In human history, the countries and regions forming the Asian continent have greatly contributed to global peace and prosperity, economic development and civilizational linkages. We are blessed with immense natural resources and human talent. We do have our share of problems and challenges; and to overcome them, we need to find solutions from within us. We must have a regional approach to regional issues. In the words of President Xi, "The greatest ideal is the world's shared values." Let our actions and collaborations be a testament to this ideal, forging a path of unity, sincerity and mutual respect. As the symposium unfolds, I wish all participants fruitful deliberations and insightful discussions. May the spirit of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness guide us toward forming a brighter and more harmonious future for all. Thank you.