Joyce Beatty

06/27/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/27/2024 14:58

Beatty, Takano Lead Colleagues in Introducing Resolution Condemning Uganda’s Draconian Anti-LGBTQI+ Law

WASHINGTON, DC- Rep. Joyce Beatty (OH-03) and Rep. Mark Takano (CA-39) led 21 Members of Congress in introducing a resolution denouncing Uganda's 'Anti-Homosexuality Act' in solidarity with Uganda's LGBTQI+ community. In addition to calling for the law to be struck down, the resolution supports the continuation of existing sanctions imposed on Ugandan government officials involved in human rights abuses.

The Anti-Homosexuality Act includes serve punishments including:

  • Life imprisonment for consensual same-sex sexual conduct
  • The death penalty for individuals who commit the "offense of homosexuality" under certain circumstances
  • Twenty years of imprisonment for the "promotion of homosexuality," which includes operating an organization that "promotes or encourages homosexuality or the observance and normalization of [homosexual] conduct."

In March 2023, the Parliament of Uganda introduced and passed a version of the 'Anti-Homosexuality Act' that closely mirrored repressive legislation signed into law in 2014. The most recent legislation, signed by President Yoweri Museveni in May of 2023 and recently upheld by the country's Constitutional Court, calls for the death penalty in cases of "aggravated homosexuality" and life imprisonment for consensual same-sex sexual conduct.

The bill is a tragic violation of universal human rights and will obstruct health education by further alienating LGBTQI+ people in Uganda, forcing them underground. Although gay men and their sexual networks comprise less than a third of new HIV cases in the country, fear of persecution may impede HIV treatment and prevention efforts as fewer people will be inclined to openly utilize services.

"When Ugandan President Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Act into law- one of the harshest anti-LGBTQI+ laws the world has seen- he, alongside the Parliament, signaled to members of the LGBTQI+ community that there is no place in the country that they will be safe from persecution,"said Congresswoman Beatty. "This draconian law stands in clear violation of universal human rights and has already resulted in catastrophic personal outcomes for LGBTQI+ Ugandans, further discouraging them from seeking vital health services and facilitating a culture that supports state-sponsored violence. This resolution shows that members of the United States Congress stand with LGBTQI+ Ugandans and demand the immediate repeal of this unjust law so that all Ugandans can lead safe, healthy lives free from fear."

"It is difficult to overstate the gross inhumanity of Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act,"said Congressman Takano. "Instead of focusing on rooting out corruption or ending extrajudicial killings, the Ugandan Parliament, President, and Constitutional Court have chosen to mark LGBTQ+ Ugandans as less than human. Congress must not be silent in the face of such systematic, state-sponsored discrimination. To all those LGBTQ+ people and your allies in Uganda-we see you. We and the Biden Administration will not allow this terrible violation of basic dignity to go unchallenged."

The bill text is available here.

Congresswoman Beatty also led 10 colleagues in a July 2023letter (link is external)to World Bank President Ajay Banga urging an immediate cessation of current and future lending to Uganda in light of the Anti-Homosexuality Act.

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