U.S. Marines Corps

10/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/02/2024 13:14


MARADMINS : 458/24

R 021728Z OCT 24
REF/A/MSG/CMC/YMD: 20150807//
EMAIL [email protected]/703-432-2161//
[email protected]/407-381-2161.//
1. Situation. The intent of this message is two-fold.
1.a. To establish TECOM funding limitations for RP support to units
training within the IIT and for HST. It is requested that
Marine Expeditionary Forces (MEF) and Deputy Commandant,
Installations and Logistics (DC I&L) forward to their MSCs.
1.b. To update and provide direction for the RP requirements
process, RP acquisition roles and responsibilities, and ensure all
stakeholders share a common understanding of how the RP support is
requested and executed. This message provides the deadlines for
requesting RP support for USMC training.
1.c. This is a coordinated message between MCSC / PM TRASYS and
TECOM / RTPD. This message supersedes the COMMARCORSYSCOM message,
DTG 141604Z Oct 21, USMC HST and IIT Role Player Contract Overview,
Requirements and Execution Process.
2. Background. TECOM, RTPD has provided funding for RP support for
training events that occur within all IIT and to HST events through
the ITRS Program for over 10 years. Increased demand per
fiscal year
for larger scale immersive and role player support is driving RP
support costs to an unsupportable level. RTPD has set funding
parameters for RP support to ensure immersive training support
(aka RP) will be provided to IIT and HST events throughout each
fiscal year.
2.a. In accordance with ref a, PM TRASYS is tasked to
manage all USMC RP contracting requirements. A key requirement of
immersive capabilities is ensuring that commanders have access to
resources that enhance the realism of their training so small unit
leaders are better prepared to make decisions within the stressful
environments during combat and military operations. Role players
are a key component in enhancing this realism.
2.a.1. In January 2023, PM TRASYS awarded a centrally procured RP
contract that supports both HST and IIT RP requirements. This
contract is an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract
with firm fixed price items. Role player support requirements placed
on the contract can be funded by RTPD or unit funded per
reference (a).
3. Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities.
3.a. RTPD is the primary funding sponsor and the principal contract
customer. Units requesting and receiving RP support are the
end users of the contracted RP support. Units requesting RP support
funded by RTPD will coordinate with Training Support Center (TSC)
representatives to identify RP requirements in support of Commanders'
training requirements and training and readiness standards.
3.b. RTPD will fund up to the specific number of RP allocations
listed for the IIT and HST support events.
3.b.1. Indoor IIT. A total of 40 RP per indoor IIT.
3.b.2. Outdoor IIT. 30 RP per lane or a total of 90 RP per
outdoor IIT.
3.b.2.a. If a unit is training within the
indoor and outdoor IITs simultaneously
(currently only feasible at Camp Pendleton) the unit may request a
maximum of 120 RP.
3.b.3. HST support. RTPD will fund up to the following RP
per training event:
3.b.3.a. 20 RP for squad sized missions.
3.b.3.b. 60 RP for platoon sized missions.
3.b.4. TECOM will fund up to 120 RPs for company and battalion
sized missions. If a unit requests RPs for 3 or more platoons
during HST training the total funded by RTPD will not exceed 120 RP.
3.b.4.a. If a unit requests more than 120 RP for any HST company or
battalion event, all RP costs over 120 will be the responsibility
of the unit.
3.b.5. Role player support duration. When supporting 24-hour
training events the total RP allocation for "day shift" and
"night shift" funding will not exceed the maximum number of RP
allocation within a 24-hour period.
Example: If a platoon is conducting training
that has a maximum of 60 RP allowed for support and the day shift
uses 40 RP, the night shift would only use 20 RP for a total of 60
total RP per 24-hour rotation.
3.c. The program manager for ITRS will complete periodic
inspections for all RTPD contracted RP services. Any discrepancies
in funded RTPD RP amounts could result in cancellation of unit's
future requirements funded by RTPD. Example: A unit asks for a
company sized RP allocation of 120 RP and only 1 platoon is
participating in the HST training.
3.c.1. The exemption to this would be, for example: A company that
has 3 platoons training in different HST locations for the same
training event. This should be noted in the request form when a
unit initially requests RP support.
3.c.2. Units must justify the requirement for additional
RPs based on T&R tasks and not the size of the facility, maximizing
use of RPs to accomplish multiple tasks. Role player support
requests will be forwarded to the TSC by the unit or IIT/HST
contractor per RP requirements process (see section 4). The local
TSC will determine if the request for increased RP support is
warranted and forward the request to RTPD for funding approval.
RTPD will then forward to PMTRASYS for contract action in accordance
with approved PMTRASYS processes.
3.d. PMTRASYS. Provides contract management and contracting officer
representative functions for the execution of the RP contract in
support of requirements identified by RTPD and Fleet Marine Force
units. PM TRASYS will provide appropriate documentation required to
have procurement request forms approved, process obligate
funding documents received from TECOM or individual units and monitor
the execution of the RP support contract.
3.d.1. PM TRASYS and RTPD will work closely to facilitate the
requirements process and contract execution of the RP contract.
3.e. Units who provide their own RP support funding will coordinate
with the PM TRASYS RP contract COR and provide PM TRASYS
documentation and funding to facilitate required exercises. Units
are still required to follow the RP Request Process in section 4
of this message.
3.e.1. For training support funded by the unit, the supporting
comptroller offices will submit the funding documentation within DAI
along with funding amounts per contract line-item number (CLIN) to
facilitate execution of the RP support contract.
4. Role player requirements process.
4.a. All RP support requests will be submitted via the RP request
form (RPRF) to the respective POC listed in paragraph 6 of
this message.
4.b. The following dates are the deadlines for submitting finalized
RPRF for all requirements due to contract preparation timelines:
4.b.1. Requirements due 24 Aug for all missions between
24 Oct and 23 Dec.
4.b.2. Requirements due 24 Oct for all missions between
24 Dec and 23 Feb.
4.b.3. Requirements due 20 Dec (due to holiday season) for
all missions
between 24 Feb and 23 Apr.
4.b.4. Requirements due 24 Feb for all missions between
24 Apr and 23 Jun.
4.b.5. Requirements due 24 Apr for all missions between
24 Jun and 23 Aug.
4.b.6. Requirements due 24 Jun for all missions between
24 Aug and 23 Oct.
4.c. If a unit requires RP support under extenuating circumstances
and the RPRF cannot be submitted within the deadlines due to those
circumstances, units will submit the RPRF to their local TSC.
PM TRASYS will review the request and perform a contract action on a
case-by-case basis.
4.d. All RP Support requests, regardless of funding source, will be
funded within the set dates provided in this message. Funding will
be routed to PM TRASYS for each task period no later than:
4.d.1. 8 Oct for all missions that start between 24 Oct and 23 Dec.
4.d.2. 10 Nov for all missions that start between 24 Dec and 23 Feb.
4.d.3. 10 Jan for all missions that start between 24 Feb and 23 Apr.
4.d.4. 10 Mar for all missions that start between 24 Apr and 23 Jun.
4.d.5. 10 May for all missions that start between 25 Jun and 25 Aug.
4.d.6. 10 Jul for all missions that start between 24 Aug and 23 Oct.
4.e. It is the responsibility of each funding sponsor to ensure
that funding is properly routed. Failure to meet the deadline or
route the funding properly may result in rejection of the RP
support request.
4.f. Should any of the submission deadlines fall on a weekend or
federal holiday, the deadline date will shift to the last working
day before the original deadline date.
5. Coordinating Instructions. Contractor actions will be per the
performance work schedule of the contract.
5.a. At least 45 calendar days prior to the start of each exercise,
the TSC, requesting unit, and other stakeholders as required will
conduct an initial planning conference (IPC) in accordance with the
contract. The purpose of this IPC is to discuss the RP support
requirement in further detail and how the contractor can support the
training within the funded task order requirements.
5.b. At least 30 calendar days prior to training, the TSC,
requesting unit, and other stakeholders as required will conduct a
mid-planning conference (MPC).
5.c. Ten days prior to the start of the exercise, the TSC,
requesting unit, and other stakeholders as required will conduct a
final planning conference (FPC).
6. Role player support points of contact.
6.a. The TSC POCs for RP support submissions for units whose
training exercises are funded by TECOM are:
6.a.1. Camp Lejeune TSC, Resource Coordinator/CIV/TECOM/TSC
/ MCB Camp Lejeune/(910) 450-8014.
6.a.2. Camp Pendleton TSC, Operations Officer/CIV/TECOM/TSC/
MCB Camp Pendleton/(760) 763-8244.
6.a.3. MCAGCC TSC, Operations Officer/CIV/TECOM/
TSC/Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center,
Twentynine Palms/(760) 830-8468.
6.a.4. MCB Hawaii TSC, Operations Officer/CIV/TECOM/TSC/MCB Hawaii/
(808) 496-1767.
6.b. For all RP Contractual questions and concerns or contractor
issues and training support not funded by RTPD, contact the
PM TRASYS COR listed as a POC in the header of this message.
6.c. All questions pertaining to the ITRS program or Immersive
Training and Support or funding should be directed to the ITRS
Capabilities Manager listed as a POC for this message.
7. Release authorized by Lieutenant General Benjamin T. Watson,