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09/05/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/05/2024 05:17

Finding Power in Community and Self to Tackle Professional Challenges

Most professional challenges will catch us by surprise. Whether it's a sudden layoff, an unexpected downturn or just a rough patch in your career, these challenges can shake your confidence and leave you questioning your next steps. CompTIA Community members shared frank insights during a session at ChannelCon 2024 called Overcoming Professional Challenges. They discussed the times they felt knocked down, and how they found strength in their community and within themselves to get back up.

When It's Your Turn: Layoffs

For many, the suddenness of a layoff is as jarring as it is disorienting. Desirae Thomas, fractional channel chief of Aportio Technologies, experienced a company-wide layoff the day before a vacation in 2023. And then, she was laid off again about a year later. She described the emotional toll it took on her.

"I got frustrated with the realization that I was putting trust into an organization to pay my bills and help my life survive," she shared.

Initially, she saw the challenge as an opportunity, thinking, "Challenge accepted. Summer 2023 is mine!" She prioritized staying active and connected, but as months passed without the right job materializing, the impact on her mental health grew.

Nick Hansen, COO of Crosshair Cyber, also recounted the shock of his layoff in January 2023.

"The week before, I'd said, 'We're not going to do layoffs; we're in a great position.'" The unexpected turn of events left him grappling with a range of emotions from disbelief to frustration. But both Hansen and Thomas found solace in their communities, reaching out to friends, colleagues and mentors who could offer support and guidance.

Sitting with Self-Doubt

In challenging times, it's easy to fall into the trap of self-doubt. Hansen admitted that he sometimes feels like he's not expert enough to share his thoughts publicly.

"You are somebody's expert," Thomas reminded him and the audience, encouraging people to push past the comparison game and embrace their unique perspectives. She added that common industry jargon and bravado can make professionals feel like they don't know enough.

One way to deal with self-doubt is to focus more on building your community than building your brand, Thomas said. Rather than posting online to flex your expertise, try connecting with people and believing that your offering might have value to somebody else. This mindset shift can be empowering, turning what feels like a risk into an opportunity to help others by sharing your knowledge and experiences.

Leaning Into Community

Building resilience through collaboration and connection with others can be a powerful tool for overcoming professional challenges. While it's crucial to keep learning and staying connected through industry conferences or professional groups, it may be equally necessary to find people to go on walks with to get ideas or take mental break during tough times.

Additionally, Thomas responded to layoffs by reaching out to people she'd learned from, offering her skills and expertise in any way she could. "I started with a LinkedIn post first thing and said, 'I'll do any project,'" she shared. This willingness to put herself out there led to volunteering with an advancing leadership network, working on a podcast and attending interviews-all of which kept her engaged and connected.

Tactics for Moving Forward

The panelists shared several tactics helpful for tackling self-doubt, unemployment and other challenges, including:

  • Try consulting and side projects. When traditional employment isn't an option, consulting or taking on side projects can help you stay financially afloat and keep your skills sharp. Ask your network to identify your skills and find out where you can help others.
  • Clarify your value. Focusing on the value you bring, rather than the specific tools or methods you use to deliver it, makes it easier to position yourself as a trusted expert.
  • Offer answers over options. Build confidence and professional value by providing clients and colleagues with solutions to their problems, instead of hiding under a menu of options.
  • Stay connected and keep learning. Don't isolate yourself during tough times. Stay connected with your community, keep learning new skills and don't shy away from opportunities to collaborate with others.
  • Compare opportunity costs and sunk costs. Keeping in mind the value of the next best thing you could be doing will help prioritize your actions. Similarly, recognize sunk costs and let go of investments that no longer serve your goals.

Overcoming professional challenges is never easy, but by leaning into your community and tapping into your expertise, you can navigate these obstacles with greater resolve and success. Whether you're facing a layoff, grappling with impostor syndrome or simply trying to find your next step, remember that you don't have to go it alone. Reach out, share your knowledge and stay open to new opportunities-because your next big breakthrough could be just one conversation away.

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