Claudia Tenney

18/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 19/07/2024 02:42

Congresswoman Tenney Urges OSHA to Reconsider Regulations Threatening NY-24 Volunteer Fire Departments

Washington, DC - Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today urged the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to reconsider expanding burdensome regulations that threaten the closure of volunteer fire departments across New York.

In February, OSHA introduced a new safety and health standard to replace the Fire Brigades Standard, proposing 22 additional rules for all fire departments. These include mandatory facility upgrades and increased training requirements. This extreme proposal would also apply to volunteer fire departments in New York despite the significant financial and operational limitations of many volunteer fire departments. In May, Tenneysigned a letter to Assistant Secretary of Labor Douglas Parker urging OSHA to reevaluate these rules and extend the public comment period.

"The proposed OSHA rules would place an incredible burden on the brave men and women who serve our communities across NY-24," said Congresswoman Tenney. "Following many discussions with volunteer firefighters and fire departments, I strongly urge OSHA to review this rule and consider the negative impact this will have on New York's volunteer fire departments. We must ensure our public servants are not burdened by unfunded mandates that will only hinder already strained departments."
