State of Vermont

09/24/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Volume 18, Issue 28


The Agency of Education created the weekly field memo to keep subscribers up-to-date with current education policy, state-wide education initiatives, and official messages from the AOE. The Weekly Field Memo contains education-related posts from the Agency of Education (AOE), other State of Vermont agencies, federal agencies or Vermont's congressional delegation.

Contents: September 27, 2024

Vermont Youth Book Awards Virtual Conference | Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024

Audience: Superintendents, Principals, K-12 Teachers, School Librarians

The Vermont Department of Libraries presents the annual Vermont Youth Book Awards virtual conference Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Each 2-hour session features award-winning author keynotes and presentations from book award committee members, comprised of Vermont teachers and librarians. New this year: students are invited to watch the author keynotes and ask questions of the authors. Register separately for each session. Submit student questions by Oct. 11, 2024. The Red Clover Book Award (grades K-4) session: 9-11 a.m. with Maria Gianferrari, author of "Bobcat Prowling". The Golden Dome Book Award (grades 4-8) session: noon-2 p.m. with Katherine Applegate, author of "Odder". The Green Mountain Book Award (grades 9-12) session : 3-5 p.m. with K. J. Reilly, author of "Four For The Road".
Contact: Lilly Talbert at [email protected]

VTmtss and Data Collection with Michele Hartje

Audience: Pathway (D) Participants, New teachers to the State, Newly Licensed Teachers and Graduates, Special Education Endorsement Candidates, General Education Teachers, High School Special Education Teachers, Educational Support Teams (EST) Members, Evaluation Team Members, Related Service Providers, Interventionists
All students are served within a system of support. This model is known as the Vermont Multi-tiered Systems of Support (VTmtss) Framework in Vermont schools. The VTmtss and Data Collection session with Michele Hartje will provide an overview of the VTmtss Framework and its components. We will explore effective collaboration across general and special education teams as part of student support planning and identify key points of student data that will assist the initial special education evaluation. This session will be held on Oct. 22, 2024, from 2-3 p.m. and on Oct. 23, 2024, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Register for VTmtss and Data Collection.
Contact: Michele Hartje at [email protected]

Building Authentic Assessments for Learning

Audience: High School Teachers
The Agency of Education, through a contract with Great Schools Partnership, is seeking 9th through 12th grade teachers interested in collaborating on the development of performance assessments aligned to Priority Performance Indicators outlined in the Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirement Hierarchies. Building Authentic Assessments for Learning is a valuable opportunity for educators to connect with colleagues statewide, deepen their understanding of high-quality performance assessments, and contribute to a growing repository of assessments. If interested in joining this second cohort, please complete this Performance Assessment Cohort Application Form, providing an overview of your preferences and experiences. Applications must be submitted by Oct. 18, 2024.
Contacts: Pat Fitzsimmons at [email protected] or Erica Wallstrom at [email protected]

Fall Issue of Literary Learning: Vermont's Newsletter for English Language Arts Educators

Audience: English Teachers, Literacy Coaches
The fall issue of the quarterly newsletter, Literary Learning, is now available. This issue introduces Read Vermont, a comprehensive initiative dedicated to improving literacy outcomes for all students. The fall issue also features an article about Participatory Action Research as well as resources for ELA educators, grades K-12. Be sure to subscribe to the AOE's ELA listserv in order to stay informed about ELA and literacy in Vermont.
Contact: Emily Leute, [email protected]

Leveraging Virtual Options to Meet Your District's Needs

Audience:School Administrators, School Counselors, Superintendents
The AOE will host a webinar on Oct. 17, 2024, from 11 a.m. to noon to explore how school districts can utilize VTVLC's virtual learning to address key challenges, including curriculum gaps, scheduling conflicts, and staffing shortages. Attendees will discover how virtual options can enhance student opportunities, provide flexible pathways to learning, and align with district-wide goals. This presentation will also address how students engaged in flexible pathways are counted as in attendance to maintain full ADM. It is recommended that an administrator, school counselor, or superintendent from each SU/SD attend. Register online: Leveraging Virtual Options to Meet Your District's Needs.
Contact: Ryan Parkman at [email protected]