Ningbo Municipal Government

05/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/07/2024 07:59

Ningbo was awarded “Excellent” for cultivating high-quality farmers in n...

The trainees participating in the training are conducting on-site inspections. (Photo by Sun Jijing and Mu Jing)

On July 3rd, it was learned from the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently announced the results of the 2023 national performance evaluation for cultivating high-quality farmers. Ningbo achieved excellent results with the fifth highest score in the country.

Focusing on the development, construction, and governance of rural industries, Ningbo has implemented the project to enhance the quality of millions of farmers, cultivating a "new force" for rural revitalization, and enhancing new agricultural productivity. In 2023, Ningbo has trained a total of 212 leading talents (leading geese) in rural revitalization and 2969 high-quality farmers.

Ningbo gives full play to the role of farmer training institutions and build a modern training system that integrates city level farmer colleges, county-level farmer schools, and farmer field schools. So far, one school has been selected as national shared farmer field school; three have been selected as national county-level high-quality farmer field schools, and a total of 37 provincial-level field schools have been established, with an annual training capacity of 250000 people. Cixi has established Cixi Modern Agricultural College, relying on institutions such as Ningbo University of Science and Technology.

Ningbo focuses on the transformation of achievements and strives to build the "Ningbo New Farmers" training brand. Through cultivation and leadership, industry driven, and brand empowerment, we aim to enhance the technical level and management capabilities of farmers and the second generation of farmers, and drive their income growth and prosperity. There are currently 6 farmer training and wealth creation brands in the city, and "Xiangshan Red Beauty Master" has been selected as the first batch of "Zhejiang Agricultural Smart Wealth Brands" in the province.