UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

09/27/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/27/2024 06:00

GEMR 2023, ICT in Education Master Plan and Teachers’ ICT Skill Capacity-Building Pilot Project launched in Mongolia

UNESCO, in collaboration with the Mongolian Ministry of Education, launched significant initiatives aimed at driving educational innovation and technology integration in Mongolia, on the 20th of September 2024 in the UN House in Ulaanbaatar. The Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO and UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia jointly organized the event, with support from the Ministry of Education of Mongolia.

The launch event introduced Mongolia's ICT in Education Master Plan alongside the Teachers' ICT Skill Capacity-Building Pilot Project and the 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMR), highlighting how these initiatives coordinate one another. The ICT Master Plan, when aligned with the GEM Report's global benchmarks, showcases Mongolia's efforts to localize global standards in education technology.

During the opening remarks, D. Gantulga, Advisor to the Minister of Education of Mongolia, underscored the transformative potential of technology in education. He acknowledged the importance of the launch of the Global Education Monitoring Report 2023 and the ICT in Education Master Plan to modernize its education system and ensure inclusive, quality education for all, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 4. Mongolia is ready to use digital technology to improve educational access, quality, and lifelong learning opportunities, especially in the face of challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic. Mongolia is also implementing the "3-C" program - focusing on curriculum improvement, capacity building, and connectivity - to enhance e-education infrastructure and teacher training, with support from UNESCO and other partners.

Mr. Tapan Mishra, UN Resident Coordinator in Mongolia, emphasized that technology is no longer a luxury but a necessity for educational progress, especially in countries like Mongolia, where remote communities can benefit from digital tools. "The UN remains committed to supporting Mongolia's version of education, reforming our programs with national priorities, and strengthening partnerships across sectors," he added.

Mr. Tapan Mishra and Prof. Shahbaz Khan delivered opening remarks © Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO

Prof. Shahbaz Khan, Director of UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia, virtually joined the event to give a welcome remark that reaffirmed UNESCO's commitment to supporting Mongolia's endeavors. He highlighted that technology presents unprecedented opportunities to overcome barriers in education, and Mongolia's initiatives, such as the ICT Master Plan and the Teachers' ICT Capacity-Building Pilot Project, are essential for achieving quality education for all, in line with the targets of SDG 4.

Mr. Shahidul Islam, Associate Project Officer of UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia, and Mr. Bat-Erdene, Head of Digital Policy and Statistics Department, Ministry of Education, elaborated on the global and national visions for education digitalization. Emphasized the importance of humanistic during the implementation of the initiatives while introducing digitalization frameworks. Their presentations underscored the importance of digital technology in improving educational outcomes and advancing the goal of quality education.

Presentations at the event © Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO

The ICT in Education Master Plan is a forward-looking strategy aimed at integrating cutting-edge technologies into Mongolia's education system. Prof. Lkhagvyn Tsedevsuren from the Mongolian National University of Education outlined the plan's key objectives and strategic priorities, offering insights into global trends and potential takeaways for other nations.

Sharing from the speakers at the event © Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO

Additionally, the launch of the Teachers' ICT Skill Capacity-Building Pilot Project, a joint initiative between ICDL Asia and UNESCO, was a highlight. The project aims to equip educators with essential ICT skills, thereby enhancing digital literacy in classrooms across Mongolia. Ms. Tina Wu from ICDL Asia introduced to the presented education stakeholders from Mongolia of the pilot project, the project implementation plan and its timeline, outlining its prospects. Ms. Munkhgerel, a teacher and project beneficiary, shared her experiences, demonstrating the positive impact of the training on her professional development.

Launch of the pilot project on Teachers' ICT Skill Capacity-Building in Mongolia © Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO

The event also included the official launch of the 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMR), launched by Mr. Manos Antoninis, Director of the Global Education Monitoring Report Team. Since 2016 when the GEMR started, all the summaries of the reports were translated and disseminated in Mongolia among the education officials, researchers and other stakeholders. This year's report provides an in-depth analysis of how technology influences education globally and emphasizes the need to balance innovation with inclusivity to avoid exacerbating educational inequalities. Mr. Antoninis also indicated that the GEM Report has revealed the significance of the prevalence of digital teaching in education in terms of reducing the deceived rate among people while receiving ambiguous digital messages. Complimented Mongolia's ICT Master Plan as a prime example of how a nation can leverage technology to advance educational equity and quality.

Mr. Manos Antoninis, DIR-GEMR delivering keynote presentation and Mr. Sambuu, SG of Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO introducing the summary report in Mongolian

The event concluded with remarks from Mr. Boldsaikhan Sambuu, Secretary-General of the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, who reiterated Mongolia's commitment to ongoing collaboration with UNESCO and other international partners. The closing session outlined follow-up actions, including further scaling the Teachers' ICT Pilot Project and expanding partnerships for educational technology initiatives in the country.

Launch event © Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO

The event gathered over 70 participants from Mongolian Government, research institutes, universities, international agencies, private sector, civil society organizations, NGOs and other education stakeholders. The joint launch event provided a platform for showcasing Mongolia's innovative strategies while fostering dialogue and cooperation among regional and international stakeholders. The event fostered a shared understanding of the strategic priorities for education technology, emphasizing the need for inclusivity, teacher empowerment, and alignment with global education goals, particularly SDG 4. These initiatives are expected to significantly enhance educational outcomes, bridge the digital divide, and contribute to both national and global education goals.

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