State of Delaware Department of Transportation

12/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/11/2024 08:28

TRAFFIC ALERT Kent County SR 1 Pipe Replacement Project

SR 1 Pipe Replacement Project

Milford - ; The Delaware Department of Transportation announces to motorists to expect a new traffic pattern on SR 1 in the vicinity of the Sullivans Landscaping. All traffic will be switch from the Southbound to the Northbound Lanes to allow the contractor to replace the pipe underneath the Southbound roadway. 2 Lanes of traffic in each direction will be maintained on the Northbound side of the roadway to allow for construction.

This change will occur the evening of Monday, December 16th prior to 6 AM on Tuesday, December 17th and on the evening of December 17th prior to 6 AM on Wednesday, December 18th.

Motorists are reminded that the Speed Limit within the work area is 45 MPH.

For more information, visit DelDOT's website at or tune to WTMC-AM 1380.