Paul A. Gosar

10/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/13/2024 09:34

This Week With Gosar

October 13, 2024

Remembering Israel

One year ago this week, Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and brutally murdered more than 1,200 innocent people, including 40 Americans, and took 250 hostages back to Gaza. Nearly 100 hostages, including Americans, remain held by Hamas.

We remember the lives that were senselessly lost in the most horrific manners. Unprovoked, Hamas started this war, and Israel has every right to defend itself in the face of terrorism. America must fully back Israel's mission and not cave to the terrorist sympathizers.

When Donald Trump was in office, he imposed sanctions, cut off billions of dollars and crippled Iran and ended nuclear weapons development talks. Sadly, the Biden-Harris administration reversed the Trump-imposed sanctions and enabled Iran to recoup $100 billion in profits which, in turn, funded the October 7thterrorist attack in Israel. Biden practically begged Iran to reenter the deal to give them nukes and his administration greenlighted $6 billion in hostage ransoms to Tehran. Let's not forget that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have given hundreds of millions of dollars in so-called humanitarian aid to the West Bank and Gaza, but it has mostly gone to the Palestinian Authority and Hamas to fund and arm their terrorist acts. Since the attack on Israel last year, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have criticized Israel for defending itself in response to the massacre and have caved to antisemitism in America. What antisemitism, you ask? On the one-year anniversary of October 7, American college students across the country shockingly celebrated the rape, kidnapping and slaughter of Jewsby Hamas. Iran is taking note. As the New York Post points out this week, instead of deterring Iran, this White House has effectively enabled it to carry out its aggressions against Israel. The Biden-Harris administration is sending mixed messages,signaling weakness and further incentivizing Iran to fund the attacks against Israel.

The only way to combat Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas is for President Trump to bring strength back to the White House. Pray for that day to come in November.

Gosar Demands Answers to AZ Voter Registration "Clerical Error"

This week, I joined Representatives Biggs and Crane in demanding an explanation from Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes regarding recent news reportsover a "clerical error" within the Arizona Department of Transportation's Motor Vehicle Division and Arizona Voter Registration Databases that "mistakenly" marked 218,000 Arizonans as having provided documentary proof of citizenship. Individuals included in the database error remain illegally eligible to vote. There must be thorough actions taken to correctly identify voters as U.S. citizens with documentary proof of citizenship, especially given that the discovery of this error was made after the Maricopa County Recorder's Office received information about a man who was registered to vote but wasn't a U.S. citizen. If not addressed, this database issue opens our election system to non-citizen voter fraud, which loses the trust of voters and ultimately delegitimizes the entire U.S. democratic process. Click here to read a copy of the lettersent to Secretary Fontes.

District Highlights

It was a busy week in the district. A large crowd met me in Yuma for a cup of coffee, a fantastic breakfast and a great conversation about important issues facing our country. Many thanks to the good people at Daybreakers Cafe for hosting us! While there, I also had a chance to stop by another favorite restaurant and caught up with my friend, Bob Lutes. Always a great meal at Lutes Casino Gazette - where the elite meet and the locals eat! I also had the opportunity to visit the DaVita Desert Dunes Dialysis Center to hear firsthand how strides are being made to transform kidney care today and beyond.

I later toured the Kroger Co's Fry Food Store and Pharmacy, met with the amazing folks at Quail Construction to learn more about their traffic control, asphalt and concrete restoration services and capped off the week by stopping by the Marine Corps Air Station Yuma and met with Commanding Officer Colonel Stone and his amazing team. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with everyone and appreciated all who helped make these visits a great success.

FINAL REMINDER: Registration Open for Congressional App Challenge

Registration is still underway for the 2024 Congressional App Challenge.The competition is open to all middle school and high school students who live in Arizona's Ninth Congressional District.

The annual competition is designed to encourage student participation in computer science and coding. Students can register for the 2024 competition by clicking HEREand begin coding their apps. The competition deadline is October 24.

Judging begins October 28 and winners will be announced on November 22. Officially launched by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2015, this nationwide effort allows students to compete with their peers by creating an application or "app," for mobile, tablet, or computer devices.

The winner from the Ninth Congressional District, chosen by a panel of expert judges, will be featured on, and the winning app also will be on display at the U.S. Capitol, honoring the winners from across the country.

For more information or questions, visit the official Congressional App Challenge websiteor email my District Director, Penny Pew at [email protected].

Reminder: Deadline Nearing for Military Service Academy Applications

Service Academy nomination applications are due soon! The deadline to submit your application is October 31. If you're interested in attending a U.S. Service Academy, be sure to complete andsubmit all required materials before then.

It's Mail Time!

I receive thousands of letters each month from constituents, and I appreciate hearing from everyone. Here are a few of those who wrote in this week:

Jim M. from Buckeye, AZ writes:

1.3 million native-born Americans just lost their jobs, replaced by 635,000 immigrants. Why aren't Republicans getting this message out DAILY? Republican Party is terrible about widely communicating real issues and Dem party failures to voters over the past 4 years.

Dear Jim, as you might know, numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' August jobs report recently revealedthat native-born Americans lost more than 1.3 million jobs over the last 12 months, while foreign-born workers gained more than 1.2 million jobs. The unemployment rate changed little, but to whom the jobs were going changed dramatically. Americans who notice these things have been left wondering whether the economy is really organized to support their flourishing or if their needs come second to those of foreign-born workers.

This is not a new concern. In 2011, even Senator Bernie Sanders disclosed to the Washington Posthis fears that "guest worker programs" might be used "to lower wages for American workers," advocating for "comprehensive immigration reform." The Optional Practical Training(OPT) program does just that, functioning as a job pipeline for F-1 visa holders. OPT hurts American citizens by denying debt-laden college graduates employment opportunities and replacing American white-collar workers with foreign hires. The greatest minds in the world are already here in the United States. We have a responsibility to our fellow countrymen to prioritize their needs above those of others.

In response to this betrayal of American workers, I introduced H.R. 3564, the Fairness for High-Skilled Americans Act. This legislation would effectively eliminate the OPT visa program, which has grown by 400% in the last decade to the detriment of American students, workers, and pensioners. American laborers have been sold out by short-sighted crony capitalists and America-last border policies in favor of quick profits. The juice is not worth the squeeze.

I know how I will vote: for American interests, first and always.

David C. from Topack, AZ shares:

I write to bring to your attention a bill offered by Kentucky Representative Massie regarding the National Constitution Carry Act. I would think if the language and intent and as the title describes, maybe co-sponsoring an historic piece of legislation in such trying times.

I feel we shouldn't need such laws but the left's non-stop, well-funded, and in our face all-out attack on our 2nd Amendment Constitutional rights to keep "and bear arms" makes this bigger than Roe v. Wade by far. This protects Constitutional Rights as written not as judged wrongly 50 years ago. Sorry for the long-winded note, please look into it soon.

David, not long-winded at all and you will be pleased to hear that I support and I am an original cosponsorof the National Constitutional Carry Act. Under this legislation, a state may not impose a criminal or civil penalty on, or otherwise indirectly dissuade the carrying of firearms in public by U.S. citizens otherwise eligible to possess firearms under state and federal law.

The Second Amendment is one of the most important rights in the Constitution. It serves as our check against the threat of overreach should the government ever attempt to take away other rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The right to protect yourself and your family should never be limited. The Second Amendmentis clear: "… the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Therefore, to protect and defend our founding charter, I am opposed to any unconstitutional gun restriction laws at the federal, state, or local level.

As a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and of responsible firearm ownership, you might also be interested to know that I have an "A+" rating with Gun Owners of America. Please know that in Congress, I will proudly continue to support policies that protect Second Amendment rights for Americans.

Marvella S. from Litchfield Park AZ wrote in:

Please vote "YES" on H.R. 5717, the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act. It is disturbing how taxpayer dollars go to programs for illegal immigrants in sanctuary jurisdictions that do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities. Due to the ongoing border crisis, illegal immigrants have flocked to sanctuary jurisdictions for housing and other services, while community needs go unmet.

Marvella - You will be pleased to hear that I voted yesto support the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act when it recently made it to the House of Representatives floor for a vote. I oppose amnesty in all forms. I have consistently been an advocate for more strident laws to prevent illegal immigration. Additionally, I strongly support legislation targeted at so-called "sanctuary cities." These cities flagrantly ignore federal immigration law. The notion of a sanctuary city runs directly counter to the Rule of Law in our country and endangers everyday Americans.

The most important role of government is to protect its citizens. The Biden-Harris administration's misguided priorities and flawed open border policies have led to a surge in illegal aliens crossing our southern border. In fact, more than 13 million illegal aliens have crossed the border since Biden and Harris took office. That is why I am working to ensure America is more secure by fully funding strong border enforcement, infrastructure, and advanced technology to prevent illegal crossings. Please know that I will continue to keep your safety and your security in mind whenever legislation connected to the border crisis makes it to the House of Representatives floor for a vote.

Tweet of the Week:

Photo of the Week:

CW from Surprise, AZ sent in this picture of "the Big Indian" on Ford Canyon Trail in the White Tank Mountain Regional Park in Waddell, AZ. Great photo, CW. Thanks so much for sharing.

Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our "Picture of the Week?"If so, send your best shots along with a brief description to [email protected]. Remember to include your name and where you live.

Gosar in the News and Other Must-Read Stories:

Daily Signal: FOR SHAME: On Anniversary of Oct. 7, College Students Celebrate Rape, Kidnapping, and Slaughter of Jews

New York Post: Israel stands alone in fight against terror one year after Oct. 7's horrors

New York Post: Ex-CBS staffers call for outside probe of '60 Minutes' interview with Kamala Harris amid editing scandal

The National Pulse: $120 MILLION Profits Made From Sex Changes on Minors.

Warning!! The Gosar Weekly Newsletter is meant for discerning readers with above average intelligence. We link to interesting stories. We get stories a couple different ways: Google alerts, a third-party aggregator and sometimes readers send stuff. We don't vouch for every publication or every author. If we link to a story, it is because of that story. The views expressed in any of the publications do not represent any promotion, endorsement or reflection of Congressman Gosar's views. While we try our best, we cannot guarantee every news organization spouting hatred, animosity or divisiveness will be filtered from appearing in the Gosar Weekly Newsletter. We will endeavor to prevent that from happening by never linking to Fake News organizations including CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic, the Arizona Mirror, Media Matters or the New Republic.