SPH Media Ltd.

07/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/24/2024 03:35

Speech by Mr Chan Yeng Kit, CEO, at the SPH Media Scholarship Awards Ceremony 2024

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Speech by Mr Chan Yeng Kit, CEO, at the SPH Media Scholarship Awards Ceremony 2024

July 24, 20245 minutes

Scholarship recipients

Family members

Distinguished guests

Ladies and gentlemen

1 Good afternoon. I am delighted to join you for the SPH Media Scholarship Awards Ceremony. Today, we will be awarding three scholarships: the SPH Media Journalism Scholarship, SPH Media-Temasek Foundation Scholarship, and the aSPHire Awards.

2 I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to our recipients for reaching this momentous milestone. Today is a testament to your pursuit of excellence, and your passion for journalism. Many of you have shown great dedication and potential during your internship in our newsrooms. And I look forward to seeing your works in the future.

Importance of journalism

3Journalism is the cornerstone of an informed society and citizenry. In an era where misinformation and disinformation can spread rapidly, the need for accurate, unbiased, and diligent reporting has become more urgent than ever.

4 At its core, journalism is about telling the truth and uncovering what is hidden. Unfortunately, "fake news" has become prevalent and trust in the media is often questioned. Hence, it is important to have ethical journalism to uphold the standards of verification, transparency, and accountability.

5 SPH Media journalists adhere to ethical standards and fact-check rigorously to ensure the accuracy and integrity of their reporting. In Singapore, the mainstream media remains the most trusted news brands as shown in the findings of the latest Digital News Report by the Reuters Institute. This is a tribute to our journalists' efforts in providing fair and balanced reporting.

Building an informed and discerning audience

6 In today's interconnected world, journalism helps us understand the complexities of global issues, and fosters a sense of global citizenship. By providing context, views and analyses, SPH Media products enable our audience to make informed decisions, and encourage critical thinking. We help Singaporeans navigate the intricacies of our world and foster informed public discourse.

7 Hence, it is important that we look out for talents and invest in them. This year, our scholarship cohort brings along a diversity of skill sets, including web programming and analytics. Such skills will enable our newsrooms to understand audience insights better, and tell stories in a more engaging manner.

8 The skills that our scholars pick up in the newsrooms, such as writing, asking questions, and paying attention to details, will also benefit them beyond their role as a journalist.

9 I would like to thank our valued partner, Temasek Foundation, for believing in the importance of journalism, and supporting it through the SPH Media-Temasek Foundation Scholarship. This scholarship was launched last year for students with a deep interest in pursuing journalism.

Talent development

10 SPH Media continues to be deeply committed to nurturing talent and fostering innovation in the media industry. Other than offering scholarships, we also provide learning and development opportunities for our journalists to grow with us.

11 Besides learning opportunities at our SPH Media Academy, we have collaborations with international partners on fellowships for our journalists such as Tsinghua University, and the Reuters Institute at Oxford University. These fellowships empower our journalists with tools and skills needed in an ever-evolving media landscape.

12 This year, our Taiwan Correspondent Yip Wai Yee, and The Straits Times Indonesia Bureau Chief Arlina Arshad, will be participating in the Reuters Institute fellowship at Oxford University. Sharanya Pillai, a Business Times correspondent and Cheryl Ong, a Senior Social Media Specialist from Lianhe Zaobao will be attending the fellowship by Tsinghua University's School of Journalism and Communication.

13 Our journalists also take on local fellowships. For the first time, we have Venessa Lee of ST Lifeparticipating in a three-month News Fellowship by the Institute of Policy Studies. Venessa will be working on a project focused on our ageing population.

Newsrooms initiatives

14 Our newsrooms have also been doing their part to spark interest in journalism and groom future talents. For example, ST organised an Introduction to Journalism programme to engage the community, showcase what they do, and build students' interest in journalism and news. Thirty-four secondary students participated in the programme just last month.

15 Similarly, Berita Harian's student publication, Gen G, organised a BH Young Journalists Camp 2024 to provide youths with first-hand experience in news reporting. The camp welcomed fifty-three students from thirteen secondary schools. Gen G also organises learning journeys to the BH newsroom to expose students to interviewing and writing techniques.

16 Our Chinese Media Group is in discussions with the National University of Singapore and Tsinghua University's School of Journalism and Communication to introduce a programme in Chinese media. We have also signed an MOU with the Communication University of China to enhance training and internship opportunities for media practitioners and students. It aims to foster exchanges in the fields of animation, digital art, broadcasting, and hosting.

17 With the many learning opportunities for journalists, I hope that our budding journalists here will seize them. The news media industry is a dynamic and exciting one. We will help you keep up, so that you can exploit opportunities and scale new heights.


18 Once again, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to our scholarship recipients. I thank your parents, families and friends who have supported and journeyed with you. Huge congratulations also to my SPH Media colleagues, whose children are receiving the aSPHire Awards today.

19 All the very best for the future, as you take on the mantle of informing, educating and inspiring new generations of Singaporeans with your news reports and analyses. Thank you.