Stony Brook University

07/24/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 07/24/2024 09:42

Stony Brook EOP/AIM Welcomes Largest-Ever Incoming Class

Stony Brook University's Stony Brook University's Educational Opportunity Program/Advancement on Individual Merit (EOP/AIM) is designed to support students from historically disadvantaged backgrounds, ensuring they have access to higher education and the tools necessary for academic success. This fall, EOP/AIM at Stony Brook proudly welcomed 262 students, its largest incoming class to date, highlighting the university's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

EOP is a state-wide program offered throughout the SUNY system, while AIM is the local name given to the program (referred to campus-wide as EOP/AIM).

EOP/AIM at Stony Brook is dedicated to providing a comprehensive support system that includes academic advising, tutoring, financial assistance, and personal counseling. The program aims to create an inclusive environment where students from economically and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds can thrive. By providing these resources, EOP/AIM supports students who might not meet traditional admissions criteria to reach their full academic potential.

The record-breaking incoming class of Fall 2024, which exceeds last year's class by nearly 100 students, highlights the program's growth and success. More students than ever before are taking advantage of the opportunities provided by EOP/AIM, reflecting the program's positive reputation and impact. This milestone also demonstrates Stony Brook's dedication to expanding access to higher education for all students.

Among the reasons for the increase is Stony Brook's reputation, encompassing EOP/AIM, student success and the campus itself.

"Stony Brook's designation as a flagship university has made it a highly desirable place to be, and EOP's reputation for high graduation and retention rates not only means that students want to come here but also want to stay," said Pamela Matzner, director of EOP/AIM. Additionally, the campus's accessibility from the five boroughs adds to its appeal.

One of the cornerstone initiatives of EOP/AIM is the Summer Academy, an intensive five-week pre-college program the summer before the freshman year. It is designed to ease the transition for incoming first-year students and level the playing field for those coming from underserved communities.

The Summer Academy focuses on enhancing academic skills, fostering a sense of community and familiarizing students with campus resources. Participants engage in classes in math, science, and writing, as well as workshops and activities that prepare them for the rigors of college coursework while building strong connections with peers, faculty, and staff.

Part of the preparation for college-level coursework is required tutoring sessions, designed to reframe student thinking about what tutoring is - instead of being used when a student is performing poorly in a class, the EOP tutoring model helps support students throughout all academic coursework, to see the first signs of struggle and to intervene before an academic setback.

In addition to required supplemental tutoring, students enroll in a pre-freshman seminar with their assigned EOP/AIM counselor/advisor. These counselors remain with the student throughout their time at Stony Brook, creating a personalized support system through academic and personal struggles. This consistent guidance helps students navigate their college experience more effectively and fosters a sense of stability and belonging. The strong relationships built with their counselors also enhance the students' overall success and retention rates.

"What we really try to instill in our students is that they are all in this together. Instead of competing with each other, we encourage them to support one another. On the first day of the summer academy, we like to say, look to your left, look to your right- you're all going to be holding hands across the finish line together," said Matzner.

- Beth Squire