12/09/2024 | Press release | Archived content
The City of Napa is now accepting applications for the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program (NTCP). To submit a request for neighborhood traffic calming, please download and complete the NTCP Application Form and submit the Application via e-mail or by mail.NTCP Application Form
The NTCP is designed to reduce speeding and cut-through traffic on neighborhood streets (collector or local streets) with a speed limit of 35 MPH or less. The program includes strategies to address traffic calming through various measures, and procedures for submitting, analyzing, and implementing proposed projects. Program development included researching effective traffic calming strategies utilized by cities and states across the nation and conducting community outreach to understand the needs/desires of the local Napa community. This research resulted in the development of the final Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program (NTCP) Guidelines and Procedures document and the Administrative Regulation for NTCP Implementation. These documents as well as the NTCP Application Form can be found on the project webpage.
Visit cityofnapa.org/trafficcalming to learn more.