U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

09/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/13/2024 18:08

Sen. Cruz Leads Effort to Jail Eco-Terrorists Who Attack Pipelines

Sen. Cruz Leads Effort to Jail Eco-Terrorists Who Attack Pipelines

September 13, 2024

New Penalties for Left-Wing Extremists Who Vandalize, Tampering with, and Disrupt American Energy Supplies

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is leading Senate Commerce Republicans in introducing the Safe and Secure Transportation of American Energy Act to protect American energy from attacks, or the threat of attacks, by radical environmentalists. This bill would deter domestic eco-terrorists from targeting pipelines for transporting oil and gas in the U.S. by expanding the current criminal penalties to cover vandalism, tampering with, or disrupting the operations or construction of a pipeline.

Current federal law allows for criminal charges against individuals who damage or destroy operating pipelines. However, it does not clearly apply these penalties to those who vandalize, tamper with, or disrupt the operation or construction of a pipeline. The Safe and Secure Transportation of American Energy Act would correct that oversight. In 2018, criminal charges were dropped against three radical environmental activists who sought to shut down two Minnesota pipelines on the grounds that prosecutors failed to prove that turning the emergency shut-off valves resulted in "damage" to the pipelines.

"The number of targeted, disruptive activities against vital oil and gas pipelines is growing. These disruptions, whether during construction or operation, are not just inconveniences-they put people's lives at risk and are direct assaults on our economy and American energy independence,"said Senator Cruz. "I am proud to spearhead legislation to jail eco-terrorists who try to shut down pipelines and prevent the movement of American energy. It is particularly needed given Hollywood radicals celebrate and encourage eco-terrorism through films like 'How to Blow Up a Pipeline.' Ironically, when eco-terrorists take extreme measures like valve-turning, they actually risk damaging the environment, which is exactly what pipeline operators are working to avoid. This legislation would ensure these highly disruptive acts now meet the thresholds for criminal penalties."

"America's energy industry is critical to our national security, yet there is little recourse for punishing eco-terrorists who attempt to tamper with or disrupt pipeline construction or operations," said Senator Lummis. "We can no longer allow far-left extremists to get a pass for their blatant disregard for the safety and well-being of innocent Americans which is why I am partnering with Senator Cruz to ensure these crimes do not go unpunished."

"About ninety percent of America's transportation sector is reliant on oil, and pipeline disruptions pose a major threat to America's energy security," said Senator Young."Our legislation takes much-needed steps to better protect our critical infrastructure and deter attacks on America's pipelines."

"Domestic eco-terrorists target pipelines in the United States to damage and destroy American energy supplies,saidSenator Blackburn.These radical environmentalists are a threat to American energy, and this legislation will ensure these individuals are held accountable for any attempt to vandalize, shut down, or disrupt our pipelines."

"We need more energy infrastructure in our state and our country," said Senator Budd. "Individuals who destroy, vandalize, or damage pipelines or try to violently disrupt the construction of new ones must be prosecuted. I am proud to partner with Senator Cruz to introduce the Safe and Secure Transportation of American Energy Act, which will make sure these criminals are held accountable."

"Americans' everyday lives rely on our energy network. Our businesses, our transportation, and our economy need oil and gas to function-so anyone who disrupts any part of our pipeline operations must be held fully accountable," said Senator Fischer."The Safe and Secure Transportation of American Energy Act will protect our energy and Americans' livelihoods by expanding criminal penalties for these disruptors."

The Safe and Secure Transportation of American Energy Act is co-sponsored by Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Todd Young (R-Ind.), Ted Budd (R-N.C.) and Roger Wicker (R-MS).

Read the full text of the legislation HERE.
