Marcy Kaptur

09/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/23/2024 17:02

Kaptur Statement On the War In Gaza and Escalation Between Israel and Hezbollah In LebanonPress Release

Washington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (OH-09) released the following statement regarding the ongoing war in Gaza, and recent escalation of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

"This weekend's escalation in combat between Israel and 140,000 Hezbollah forces supported in southern Lebanon by Iran creates a powder keg. If not contained, this conflict could widen and adversely impact thousands more innocent people of adjacent nations, as well as destabilize global markets.

"This war must end. A 'ceasefire' is not enough. There must be a UN negotiated truce subject to multinational enforcement. The constituents I represent include thousands who trace their ancestry to Israel, Lebanon, Palestinian communities, and other impacted adjacent nations across the Middle East. I release this statement out of deep concern for them and the people of their ancestral lands. The road to peace must begin with the United Nations and its Security Council whose primary charge is the "maintenance of international peace and security."

"The UN must demonstrate leadership and backbone in resolving this festering conflagration. With no intervention, the widening war of utter destruction across that war-torn region will escalate. It must end. An immediate truce is fundamental. It will require multinational enforced military lines of demarcation. Terrorist organizations cannot be voting parties to ongoing negotiations. States sponsoring terrorist organizations should face a strictly enforced multinational sanctions regime.

"I urge the Speaker and Minority Leader of the US House to bring forward this week, as the House reassembles, a first order of business House Privileged Resolution urging the United Nations be called into Special Session. The UN must address deescalating this widening carnage and ongoing war. In 1948, the United Nations following World War II acted with dispatch to address vast rebuilding and resettlement issues arising in post war regions of the Middle East and elsewhere.

"Today, the unresolved Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza and the West Bank - inflamed by the Hamas terrorist organization in alliance with other terrorist organizations and supported by arms from Iran - continues to plague the people of that region. Ethnic and religious cleansing forms a brutal and nonviable substitute for a truce and contemporary compact among neighboring States. It is long overdue. The United Nations must step up to this crucial, modern-day challenge which the people of all sovereign nations know is necessary. The bloody fighting in the Middle East must be brought to a negotiated truce.

"The hatred unleashed by the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas on Israel will reverberate across future generations of families on all sides of this conflict. Surely the people of the region and world seek a better road forward. The United Nations must rise to this compelling occasion."

Since the start of the conflict in Gaza, Congresswoman Kaptur has remained actively engaged in urging an aggressive diplomatic path forward to address the ongoing conflict and work toward a negotiated two-state solution. On October 8th, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statement condemning the Hamas terror attacks. On November 3rd, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statement following a meeting with Egyptian Ambassador Zahran calling for a humanitarian pause so aid could be delivered and those seeking safety could reach it. On November 16th, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statement following a dialogue with Jordanian Ambassador Kawar in diplomatic efforts to secure a durable peace. On December 13th, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statement following a meeting with Lebanese Charge D'Affaires Hachem. On December 15th, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statement following a meeting with Apostolic Nuncio, Cardinal Pierre. On January 19th, Congresswoman Kaptur urged the State Department to affirm US opposition to forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza. On January 31st, Congresswoman Kaptur published an opinion article in the Toledo Blade. On March 28th, Congresswoman Kaptur reaffirmed her support for a two-state solution. On April 4th, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statement following a call between Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Biden. On May 6th, Congresswoman Kaptur released a statement on the ongoing developments in Gaza. On June 3rd, Congresswoman Kaptur affirmed her support for a two-state solution, and applauded the peace plan for Israel and Gaza. On June 11th Congresswoman Kapturreleased a statement reaffirming her support for a Two-State Solution for the Israeli and Palestinian people, and applauding the United Nations Security Council vote to support the US diplomatic peace plan for Israel and Gaza.

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