Northern Ireland Executive

07/30/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/30/2024 07:27

Review of Flooding in the South East published

The Review of South East Flooding (Autumn 2023) has been published.

A link to the review is here:

The review which was jointly led by The Executive Office, Department for Infrastructure, Department for Communities, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and Newry, Mourne and Down District Council examined the local tactical response and the strategic regional response to the extreme flooding events which severely affected Newry City, Downpatrick and Portadown. Jacobs were engaged by the Department for Infrastructure to provide an independent technical insight into the causes of the flooding and to present considerations for viable solutions.

A total of 22 recommendations have been outlined in the review. These are being considered and will be actioned by the various Departments and Agencies involved in the review.

Notes to editors:

  1. The Review of the South East Flooding relates to the events which took place from 26 October until 1 November 2023. During this time period, as a result of heavy rain, more than 200% of the monthly average, flooding severely impacted Newry, Downpatrick, Newcastle and Portadown.
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