Democratic Party - Democratic National Committee

07/29/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/29/2024 16:46

Trump Thinks “It’s Beautiful” That Iowans Are Now Subjected to a Draconian Abortion Ban Arrow

Donald Trump thinks it's "beautiful" that women in Iowa will now be forced to flee their state to receive critical reproductive care now that abortions are banned before many women know they're pregnant - and that Iowa women will have to live in fear of being turned away from the hospital while doctors and nurses could be forced to refuse care for their patients in need. Anyone who thinks women suffering extreme physical, mental, and emotional harm because they can't access reproductive health care is a "beautiful thing to watch" is fundamentally unfit to serve. From Iowa to Florida, Trump owns every single extreme abortion ban - and he'll pay for it at the ballot box this November.

From laws banning abortion before many women know they're pregnant to those ripping away pregnant women's access to care despite life-threatening conditions, Trump owns every single extreme ban across the country and thinks they're "beautiful."

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: Women in Iowa are beginning to flee out of state for reproductive care thanks to a near-total ban on abortion.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: Texas woman Amanda Zurawski nearly died when her doctors were unable to provide her the abortion care she needed until she developed a severe and life-threatening case of sepsis, due to the state's extreme abortion bans.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: Women are forced to flee their home states to receive life-saving reproductive care because the GOP legislators in their home states would rather a woman die than have access to abortion care.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: A woman in Florida had to carry her baby to term knowing that he would die.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: Florida doctors had to turn away a pregnant woman who was miscarrying, forcing her to deliver her nonviable fetus in a hair salon bathroom and face near death after losing half the blood in her body.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: A Texas OBGYN reported having to stand idly by as pregnant patients lives are threatened on his watch due to the extreme abortion bans Republican state legislators have imposed onto Texas women.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: A teenage rape victim from Mississippi had no other choice but to travel 500 miles to get an abortion.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: Alabama doctors were too scared to approve an abortion for a mother whose baby wouldn't survive to term.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: A25-year-old college senior was in "extreme danger" of dying because under Texas law, doctors were afraid to treat her until her fallopian tube was rupturing, a "highly dangerous" condition.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: Women must travel upwards of eight hours round trip for the reproductive care that they deserve.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: In Arizona, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that a near-total abortion ban from 1864 was enforceable before Democrats worked tirelessly to overturn the law. However, there is still an extreme abortion ban still on the books with no exceptions for rape or incest - and the back and forth caused by both of the bans created mass chaos for abortion clinics, doctors, and women in Arizona.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: A North Dakota court kept a strict abortion ban in place even in cases of medical emergencies.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: Texas arrested and charged a woman for allegedly self-managing an abortion.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: more than 1 in 3 women live in a state where Trump's far-right minions have stripped women of their fundamental right to an abortion.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: 22 states have abortion bans, half of which have no exceptions for rape or incest.

  • In January, a group of doctors published a study finding that 519,981 rapes occurred in 14 states with abortion bans and 64,565 of them resulted in pregnancy.
  • In Missouri, nearly 6,000 women carried rape-related pregnancies, and in Mississippi, a 13-year-old girl was forced to have her rapist's baby.

Trump thinks it's beautiful that: Texas Republicans want to punish women who receive abortions with the same sentences as murderers, and are leaving the door open for the death penalty.