Democratic Party - Democratic National Committee

07/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/17/2024 16:46

ICYMI: RFK Jr. Abandons Campaign Trail to Play Lap Dog to the Trumps Arrow

RFK Jr. is having quite the week despite his campaign schedule having nothing to show for it.

After canceling all of his campaign events, RFK Jr. and Donald Trump met together at the RNC in Milwaukee. Later in the evening, RFK Jr. and Tucker Carlson, who allegedly brokered the Trump meeting, had dinner together.

Yesterday, Robert F. Kennedy III- in a now deleted post- shared a video of his father and Trump speaking on Sunday. The video shows RFK Jr. agreeing with the former president saying: "We're gonna win."

In an interview with Axios' Mike Allen at the Republican National Convention yesterday, Donald Trump Jr. said that he'd "love" to see RFK Jr. endorse his father, and that "maybe there's a great place for him somewhere in an administration." Eric Trump also wasn't shy about discussing the Trump campaign formally joining forces with RFK Jr.

RFK Jr.'s allies are doing nothing to defuse suspicions of him working with the Trumps. In fact, they're encouraging it. In an interview with Focus Today, Tony Lyons, co-founder of RFK Jr.'s Super PAC, admitted RFK Jr. would take a cabinet position in a second Trump administration.

In response, DNC Spokesperson Matt Corridoni released the following statement:

"RFK Jr. was recruited to run by MAGA Republicans, his campaign is being propped up by Trump's largest donor, and now- instead of campaigning for himself- he is at the gym in Milwaukee eagerly playing lap dog to the Trumps as they float test balloons about how they could further join forces. RFK Jr. was always running a spoiler candidacy, and now the Trumps might have other plans for him as well."

The Daily Mail: What is RFK Jr. doing in Milwaukee? Independent candidate is spotted hitting the gym near RNC site after scrapping his official schedule

By: Nikki Schwab

  • Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy has been spotted in Milwaukee - but not at the political events he had originally scheduled.
  • Instead sources told that he was working out at a Planet Fitness Sunday night, as delegates arrived for the Republican National Convention, and then he was photographed Tuesday at a Milwaukee Gold's Gym location.
  • Kennedy was on the schedule Monday to appear virtually at a CNN-Politico Grill event on the sidelines of the RNC, but that appearance was cancelled.
  • Late Wednesday afternoon he was supposed to hold an event with Wisconsin farmers in nearby Madison. That event has since disappeared from the campaign's website.
  • Earlier this week, footage of the independent on the phone with former President Donald Trump was leaked by his son.
  • "I would love you to do stuff," Trump was heard telling his rival. "And I think it would be so big for you."
  • During the call, Kennedy was heard saying 'yeah' when Trump pushed that he was going to beat Democratic President Joe Biden in the fall.
  • This weekDonald Trump Jr. also floated that there could be a role for Kennedy to play in a second Trump administration.
  • In a sit-down on the sidelines of the convention with Axios' Mike Allen, Trump Jr. said he'd 'love' to see RFK Jr. endorse his father.
  • 'You know and again I think maybe that's one of those moments that brings people together,' Trump Jr. said. 'Maybe there's a great place for him somewhere in an administration,' the former first son added.
  • When Allen pressed on whether Kennedy might be given a health-related task, Trump Jr. answered "that's sort of the genesis of their original friendship years ago." "I've love to see that, it's just a unifying moment," Trump Jr. said.