Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States

06/20/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/20/2024 19:44

Foreign Ministry and Cofepris hold EU Global Gateway Seminar on Health and Access to Medicines

Foreign Ministry and Cofepris hold EU Global Gateway Seminar on Health and Access to Medicines


Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores | June 20, 2024 | Press Release

Foreign Ministry and Cofepris hold EU Global Gateway Seminar on Health and Access to Medicines
  • Representatives of the European biopharmaceutical sector and the Mexican pharmaceutical industry exchange best practices to ensure resilient health systems and move towards health self-sufficiency in Latin America.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Health Ministry's Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris), together with the embassies of Belgium and Denmark and the European Union (EU) delegation in Mexico, organized the EU Global Gateway Seminar on Health and Access to Medicines taking place from June 20-21 at the Matías Romero Institute (IMR).

The seminar promotes closer ties between the European biopharmaceutical sector and the Mexican pharmaceutical industry, in order to exchange best practices to ensure resilient health systems, put together international partnerships for vaccines and an equitable availability of medicines, and to move towards health self-sufficiency in Latin America.

Participating on the high-level panel, Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights Joel Hernández García remarked on the Mexican government's efforts to strengthen the pharmaceutical sector through Latin America-EU interregional integration to address health crises, based on the lessons learned from the pandemic. These strategies will allow for a medium- and long-term increase in the manufacturing capacity of local medical supplies through access to innovative products.

Cofepris Commissioner Alejandro Svarch Pérez remarked on the importance of international cooperation between governments and industry to improve the population's access to health products through regulatory channels that guarantee efficient health services and innovative, safe and effective quality pharmaceuticals. He said that health self-sufficiency and professional personnel, thanks to the Regional School for Health Regulation (ERRS), are key pillars for achieving universal health in Mexico.

The ambassador of Belgium in Mexico, Johan Verkammen, said Mexico and the EU should strengthen their partnership on health matters. Belgium, which is EU Council president for the first half of 2024, is one of the world's leading exporters of pharmaceuticals, particularly vaccines. Cooperation between Mexico and the EU has recently been boosted through the Global Gateway Investment Strategy. One of its flagship projects is the EU-LAC partnership on vaccine production and resilient health systems, with Cofepris as a key player. The seminar is a step towards constructing this strategic partnership.

Danish Ambassador to Mexico Kim Højlund Christensen reiterated that Mexico and Denmark have a solid collaboration in the health sector, which is an key part of the bilateral relationship. Denmark has a strong health system due to innovation and equitable access to medicines, and exchanges between the countries are of mutual benefit. Danish companies in the health sector help with valuable solutions, and create jobs and growth both in Mexico and Denmark.

Ambassador Højlund also highlighted the importance of resilient health systems and acknowledged the successful technical cooperation between Cofepris and the Danish authorities. He said that cooperation with Denmark would continue to strengthen, auguring good results for the Global Gateway initiatives.

The event was attended by representatives of the Mexican, Belgian and Danish pharmaceutical industry, and representatives from more than 20 countries of the diplomatic corps accredited in Mexico.

The Government of Mexico seeks to consolidate biotechnology systems, promote international partnerships and attract investment to strengthen Mexico's technical and research capabilities. Public-private collaboration is essential to expand opportunities for the development and expansion of supply chains in the region, enabling access to more accessible biotechnology drugs for our peoples.