European External Action Service

10/17/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/17/2024 04:50

Global Media Communities Gather in Pristina, Kosovo to Fight Disinformation


Global Media Communities Gather in Pristina, Kosovo to Fight Disinformation

Media professionals from around the world met in Kosovo recently to address the threat of Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference.

© European Union

In October 2024, Pristina, Kosovo, became the gathering point for over 100 journalists, fact-checkers, and media professionals from around the world at the Connecting Media Communities (CMC) conference. Organized by the EEAS, the event aimed to address the threat of Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) by equipping journalists with essential tools, knowledge, and networks to bolster their efforts.

Technology as a Force for Good

One of the conference's key discussions focused on the intersection of technology, creativity, and media. Through hands-on training, participants explored the latest AI-driven tools under the guidance of Harvard-based AI futurist and journalist Nikita Roy. They delved into AI content creation, data visualization, and social media engagement, discovering how to harness these technologies to engage audiences and promote resilience to disinformation. New technology can be used as a force for good, ensuring accurate and reliable information reaches those most susceptible to manipulation.

Empowering Investigative Journalists

As disinformation tactics evolve, so must the strategies used to counter them. A core focus of the event was to empower investigative journalists, especially those working under difficult conditions. Participants received practical guidance on using AI for disinformation detection and digital security techniques to safeguard their sources and data. The workshops spanned a wide range of topics, from constructive journalism and defunding disinformation to addressing disinformation in gaming and exploring how humor and satire can be used to combat false narratives.

Looking Ahead: The Charta for Journalists

A pivotal outcome of the event was the Charta for Journalists, co-authored by all participants. This document outlines the principles and commitments needed to counter disinformation in the years to come. The Charta emphasizes:

  • Building societal trust in media,
  • Ensuring journalist safety and security,
  • Securing sustainable financial resources for independent media,
  • Strengthening fact-checking and verification capabilities.

This collective stance strengthens the media community's ability to speak with one voice, both in their home countries and globally.

European Union

A Shared Commitment to Fight FIMI

The conference highlighted the need for global cooperation. Disinformation thrives in isolation, exploiting societal divisions, but a united global response can disrupt its spread. By expanding the networks of connected journalists, fact-checkers, and educators, the CMC conference continued to build on the foundation set by previous events in Sarajevo, Warsaw, Kyiv, and Chișinău. Together, these efforts are strengthening and expanding the global community of FIMI defenders.

More than just a conference, the CMC event in Kosovo served as a call to action. The fight against FIMI requires global solidarity and a nuanced understanding of regional challenges. As participants return to their countries, the tools and insights gained in Pristina will fuel ongoing efforts to build more resilient media ecosystems capable of withstanding the ever-evolving threats posed by FIMI.

European Union