Technische Universität Berlin

07/12/2024 | Press release | Archived content


Item 1
Approval of the agenda

Item 2
a) Report by the president on the implementation of resolutions of the Academic Senate (AS)
b) Other reports by the Executive Board
c) Reports from the faculties

Item 3
Question round on current issues

Item 4
Approval of the minutes of the 861st AS)

Item 5
En bloc voting

Item 6
Report on the work of the structural committee

Item 7
Scholarship guidelines

Item 8
Election of the representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses and the deputy representative for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses

Item 9
Nomination and filling of positions for successor members and deputies of the Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) at TU Berlin for a two-year period

Item 10
Lecture periods 2025/2026

Item 11
Gender equality report

Item 12
Renaming of the W3 academic chair "Chair of Building Archaeology and Heritage Conservation, Specializing in the Archaeology of Ancient Structures" to the "Chair of Building Archaeology and Heritage Conservation" at Faculty VI Planning Building Environment

Item 13
Amendments to the Education Sciences - Consulting and Organizational Development master's degree program at Faculty I Humanities and Educational Sciences

Item 14
First amendment to the study and examination regulations for the Chemical Engineering bachelor's degree program at Faculty Il Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Faculty III Process Sciences

Item 15
Study and examinations regulation for the Polymer Science master's degree program, jointly offered by Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and the University of Potsdam

Item 16
W3 professorship, permanent position, for the Chair of Quality Science at the Institute of
Machine Tools and Factory Management at Faculty V Mechanical Engineering and Transport Systems