European Parliament

09/04/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Lack of information about the public consultation on the DSA Transparency Database

Lack of information about the public consultation on the DSA Transparency Database


Question for written answer E-001614/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Markéta Gregorová (Verts/ALE)

Transparency is a key principle of the EU institutions. The responses to public consultations are therefore usually made available to the public through the Better Regulation portal.

  • 1.Why have neither the public consultation on the Digital Services Act (DSA) Transparency Database nor the responses to it been published on this platform[1]?
  • 2.Did any of the platforms reporting to the DSA Transparency Database receive documentation other than the publicly available API documentation to enable them to differentiate between categories and standardised values?[2]
  • 3.What is the Commission planning to do about the overly general responses given by platforms when reporting to the DSA Transparency Database? Most of the statements of reasons list the violation category as 'scope of platform service', which is generic and unhelpful.

Submitted: 4.9.2024

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