German Federal Chancellor

07/18/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/19/2022 06:04

United in pursuit of the Paris climate targets

Welcome at the Chancellery: Egypt is co-hosting the Petersberg Climate Dialogue with Germany.

Photo: Federal Government/Bergmann

At a joint press conference with President el-Sisi, Federal Chancellor Scholz stressed the importance of international efforts to implement the Paris climate targets in connection with the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference COP 27 in Egypt in November. "We should make the most of the conference in Sharm el-Sheikh to focus especially on those countries that are particularly hard hit by climate change or will be in the near future," said Scholz.

At the same time, he added, it was important to keep up the pace at the global level in order to reduce emissions of climate-damaging gases as much as possible in all areas.

In connection with the commitments made under the Paris Agreement, the Federal Chancellor noted that the EU and G7 were making far-reaching contributions and had set themselves ambitious goals. Referring to his proposal to establish an inclusive Climate Club to decarbonise industry worldwide, he said: "The G7 countries have now taken up my initiative and agreed to establish such a club by the end of the year - and I appreciate any support this initiative receives."

President el-Sisi noted the importance of today's meeting, held as part of the Petersberg Dialogue, in preparation for the Climate Change Conference in Sharm-el-Sheikh. Federal Chancellor Scholz assured the Egyptian President of further support for a successful Climate Change Conference.

Russian attack on Ukraine

The two heads of government also discussed the consequences of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. Russia had done serious damage to the international order by waging this war, stressed the Federal Chancellor, adding that Moscow was not afraid to use grain and energy supplies as a weapon. The international community must be resolute in its opposition, said Scholz.

President el-Sisi expressed concern about the consequences of the Ukraine war for the international energy and grain markets. All international actors were now called upon to look for solutions, he said.

Middle East and Libya

In connection with the Middle East peace process, the Federal Chancellor emphasised the fact that Germany was coordinating closely with Egypt in efforts to arrive at a two-state solution. Egypt had a leading role to play in this process and was helping to stabilise the situation in the Gaza Strip, said Scholz.

With regard to the difficult situation in Libya, Scholz said: "All partners in the Berlin Process must work together to maintain the ceasefire and the prospect of elections."

President el-Sisi added that regional issues discussed had included Syria, Yemen and water management on the Nile, in addition to the Middle East peace process and Libya.

Bilateral relations

Federal Chancellor Scholz and President el-Sisi noted that this year was the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Egypt and Germany. The Federal Chancellor stressed that bilateral cooperation between the two countries was close, diverse and characterised by mutual respect. He said he was pleased to see there were so many Egyptian pupils and students in Germany.

German industry was a close partner of Egypt, he said, as demonstrated not least by the award of a major railway project in Egypt to a German company. Energy cooperation also had a great future, he said, noting that in addition to gas imports, the topic of green hydrogen was particularly important for Germany in this connection. He said he was pleased that close collaboration in the area of hydrogen production had been agreed on today. President el-Sisi confirmed the great potential of Egypt's energy cooperation with Germany and Europe.

Human rights

The Federal Chancellor encouraged the Egyptian President to ambitiously pursue the National Dialogue on Human Rights that had been initiated and to take decisive steps towards increased participation and the rule of law. "This will help improve the human rights situation as well as strengthening and stabilising the economy in the long term," said Scholz.

President el-Sisi said human rights issues were very important to his government. He invited journalists from Germany to form their own impression of the human rights situation in Egypt.

Monday, 18 July 2022