CGIAR System Organization - Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers

09/17/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 05:27

Genetic gains revolutionizing cassava farming: 400 high-quality varieties boost commercialization and product development

IITA has developed and released 400 high-quality cassava varieties across Africa for four product profiles, namely industry, fresh market, biofortification, and granulated and paste products, with 56 of these varieties released in Nigeria, the largest cassava producer in Africa. Introducing these new varieties can potentially rejuvenate the declining cassava value chain.

IITA has had a significant impact through its outreach, capacity development, and empowerment initiatives. Farmers have gained access to the newly released cassava varieties and have received training on production technologies and good agronomic practices (GAP) for efficient cassava farming in several Nigerian states.

The Demand Creation Trials (DCT) is a powerful decision-making tool developed by the IITA Cassava Breeding Program in collaboration with Sahel Consulting. Processors identified by Sahel Consulting are conducting DCT activities and making crucial product decisions by selecting preferred varieties and establishing production plans. The DCT approach involves a large trial of 3-5 pre-released and released varieties established in the processor's fields.

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