European Parliament

09/19/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Commission proposal on seeds

Commission proposal on seeds


Question for written answer E-001768/2024
to the Commission
Rule 144
Gerald Hauser (PfE)

In July 2023, the Commission submitted a proposal for new EU seed legislation. The proposal ignores the right of farmers under international law to harvest, use, exchange and sell their own seeds. It is of the utmost importance that the right of all food and seed producers to their own seeds be maintained in full. This change will lead, in addition, to a monopolisation of the seed market.

  • 1.How does the Commission justify the restrictions on the right of farmers under international law to harvest, use, exchange and sell their own seeds?
  • 2.What is the point of reducing or limiting biodiversity?
  • 3.What lobbyists were involved in or present at the negotiations?


Submitted: 19.9.2024

  • [1] This question is supported by a Member other than the author: Roman Haider (PfE)