City of Norman, OK

12/10/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/10/2024 16:51

City's CNG Fueling Station at Goddard Avenue to reopen 12/11/24

December 10, 2024

The City of Norman's CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) fueling station located at 2351 Goddard Avenue will reopen 12/11/24 and is available for service by way of debit or credit cards only.

Following Norman City Council approvalof applicable enhancements and agreements in November for the station, various upgrades were finalized in terms of software for transactions and physical improvement for functionality.

"We appreciate the patience and understanding of our customers as improvements were made," said Mike White, City of Norman Fleet Manager.

In addition to new standards of digital security that will be implemented with station software, the site's parking lot has been repaved and canopy repairs have been carried out. The station consists of eight fueling stations to service customers. The station is self-serve and open at all hours of the day.

Questions can be directed to the City of Norman Public Works Fleet Division office at 405-307-7236.
