ACS - American Constitution Society

07/15/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/15/2024 12:18

ACS Condemns Political Violence in All Forms

Nancy Rodriguez,[email protected]

Washington, DC - The American Constitution Society released the following statement in the aftermath of Saturday's shooting at a Donald Trump political rally in Pennsylvania:

"ACS is saddened by the loss of life and injuries suffered at the political rally this past weekend in Pennsylvania. We add our voice to the chorus of leaders across the ideological spectrum that condemn any use of violence as a means to achieve political ends.

There is no place in politics for violence. Political violence is anathema to the pluralistic, multiracial democracy so many generations throughout this nation's history have endeavored to perfect.

Heightened political tensions and the ubiquity and ready availability of firearms are a dangerous combination. We have long been aware of this and must redouble our efforts to enact meaningful gun safety measures while continuing to condemn political violence in all its forms.

Elections--and the political campaigns that precede them--are critical to determining the future of our democracy and the direction of our country. Any effort to use violence to undermine elections and chill speech, whether through harm or intimidation of government officials, candidates for office, voters, or any of our fellow citizens, represents an existential threat to our democracy. As the country prepares for Election Day 2024, we encourage every American to be thoughtful and engaged, peacefully exercising their rights, including the right to vote, and verifying sources before sharing misinformation and disinformation."


The American Constitution Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-partisan legal organization. Through a diverse nationwide network of progressive lawyers, law students, judges, scholars, advocates, and many others, our mission is to support and advocate for laws and legal systems that redress the founding failures of our Constitution, strengthen our democratic legitimacy, uphold the rule of law, and realize the promise of equality for all, including people of color, women, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, and other historically excluded communities. For more information, visit us at