Inland Rivers, Ports, and Terminals Inc.

10/17/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/17/2024 15:15

Proposed National Park designation for 140 miles of the Mississippi River, Illinois River and Missouri River from Alton North

Proposed National Park designation for 140 miles of the Mississippi River, Illinois River and Missouri River from Alton North: The proposal is that all Federal, State, County, and Municipal owned property in these river corridors will be turned over to the National Park Service- without cost.

That means U.S. Army Corps of Engineer property could come under the control of NPS, including all three rivers and Locks and Dam 25 and 26. How would operational control over locks and dams by the National Park Service impact commercial navigation?

Property owned/held by NPS that means operations and maintenance costs will come under the NPS budget. The NPS currently has a backlog of deferred maintenance for their parks of $22 billion.

Additionally, this has potential to be used as a model in all other areas of our nation encompassing rivers. For this, it's important that

  • Even if you do not live in the Alton, Illinois area or
  • Even if you don't use the Upper Mississippi River for commercial navigation

Your river could be next if this proposal passes.

October 14, 2024: River County News (full link below)

Jersey County Board approves Resolution of Opposition to AltonWorks' National Park idea

The Jersey County Board voted to approve a Resolution of Opposition to the AltonWorks vision to convert 135,000 acres along the local riverfront into a National Park.

The board voted unanimously…

October 14, 2024: The Telegraph (full link below)

Calhoun County rejects Great Rivers National Park proposal by AltonWorks

Calhoun County has taken a stance against the proposal of a Great Rivers National Park by AltonWorks. the Calhoun County Board formed a committee of non-board members to investigate and report updates to the board about the Great Rivers National Park…

According to Calhoun County Board Chairman Phil Robeen, the main concern for residents was potential land grabs, which is the acquisition of land by a government, company, or individual without the free and informed consent of the local community.

A petition to the President of the United States has been started on September 30, 2024 by (accessed here: In two weeks, 893 signatures have been collected. You can sign the petition to Halt AltonWorks' Development of the "Great Rivers National Park" using the link.

Unfortunately, wants you to monetarily support $8 to sign the petition so an alternative is offered below.

Why it Matters (Larry West):

As an American citizen cherishing the freedom that our great nation offers, I, like many others, find the proposed national park, the "Great Rivers National Park," by Alton Works problematic. The plan has sparked controversy and concern amongst us. It is not just about a piece of land being turned into a park, but about the freedom that we believe is being gradually taken away from us.

The statistics are clear: 85% of United States' lands are privately held, representing the essence of freedom to many American citizens (National Wilderness Institute). An attempt like this, to transform private areas into a federal park, may strip us of our rightful autonomy. This is not about standing against nature conservation; rather, it is about preserving our rights. That speaks for already public and private lands.

Therefore, we invite you to join us and send a clear message to Alton Works that the rights and freedoms of the American citizenry should never be compromised under the guise of progress and conservation. Please, help us Halt Alton Works' Development of the "Great Rivers National Park". Add your signature to this petition today.

Alternative ways to oppose the proposal:

Contact your U.S. Congressperson and Senator to let them know you oppose the acquisition of land by a government, company, or individual without the free and informed consent of the local community. If you don't know who your congressperson is and would like help drafting a letter, please email [email protected].