XBP Europe Holdings Inc.

03/04/2023 | Press release | Archived content

Digitising documents is the only way forward!

Efficient and effective way of digitising documents is essential for the smooth operation of any organization. While improving this function can have a significant impact on almost any industry, the benefits of managing and organizing documents digitally are often overlooked. It's easy to prioritize other business tasks over dealing with a paper-based collection of documents, reports, images, and other files that accumulate over time. However, digitizing a paper-based archive can bring significant benefits to a business, from improving accessibility to enhancing security.

Document digitisation involves converting physical files and records into digital formats, transforming information into easy-to-access digital structures that are searchable, shareable, and extractable. Digitising both historical or archived documents as well as all newly created documents is a critical step in overcoming the document management blockage. Digital documents provide faster and easier access to critical information, reducing the time spent searching for files and improving overall productivity.

Moreover, digitising documents can help businesses save physical space, reduce the risk of loss, theft, or damage, and enhance information security by setting up user access control and audit trails. Therefore, making document digitization a priority can bring significant benefits to a business, both in the short and long term.

Why digitising documents is important

Enhanced Security: Physical documents can be easily lost, stolen, or destroyed. Digitising documents can provide multiple layers of security such as password protection and restricted access, making it much harder for malicious parties to access sensitive information.

Accessibility: Digitising documents makes them easily accessible to staff or the public. Finding files in a room full of documents can be time-consuming and difficult, but digitisation allows for easy searching and categorization.

Space Saving: Physical documents take up a lot of space, and storing them requires significant storage space. Digitising documents allows for storage on servers, freeing up valuable office space.

Ease of Sharing: Digitised documents can be easily shared with colleagues and clients. This makes collaboration and communication more efficient.

Efficiency and Cost-Effective: Digitising documents can increase efficiency and reduce costs associated with paper-based document management, such as printing and storage expenses.

Overall, digitising documents can increase security, accessibility, and efficiency while reducing costs and freeing up office space.

So how do you start your journey to document digitisation?

While every organization will have a different requirement depending on the amount of documents they deal with, having a smart scanner at your workplace can help you manage your documents and get started on the digitisation journey.

Physical documents pose security risks as they can be easily destroyed or confiscated, and maintaining logs of access is not foolproof. Digitising documents enhances security by allowing for password protection and restricted access. Digitisation also makes documents more accessible, searchable, and saves office space. Sharing files is easier with digitization, allowing for different levels of access. To start on the journey of document digitization, a smart scanner like the Raptor from the IntelliScan series can help. The Raptor combines speed, compactness, and superior image quality at a competitive price and can fit easily into compact office spaces. Scanners are a great first step in digital transformation and offer a host of benefits.