Delegation of the European Union to Kazakhstan

10/28/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/28/2024 10:08

The European Union supports young leaders to strengthen protection of freedom of expression


The European Union supports young leaders to strengthen protection of freedom of expression

© EU in BiH

40 Young Ambassadors of Freedom of Expression were presented today at an event in Europe House in Sarajevo. The event gathered around 100 young people, including representatives of the media, young journalists, Young European Ambassadors, members of civil society organisations, as well as the Head of the EU Delegation and EU Special Representative to BiH Ambassador Luigi Soreca.

The Young Ambassadors of Freedom of Expression were selected as part of the European Union funded project, 'HUB for the Protection of Freedom of Expression,' implemented by the JaBiHEU Association and the World University Service Austria. The young ambassadors will engage in protecting freedom of expression, fighting against hate speech and supporting the protection of media and journalists. They come from across Bosnia and Herzegovina: Bihać, Gradačac, Prnjavor, Gračanica, Tešanj, Derventa, Sarajevo, Prača, Lukavac, Travnik, Banja Luka, Zenica, Tuzla, Breza, Trebinje, Žepče and Brod.

"I am inspired by the energy and vision I see among young people dedicated to championing freedom of expression. Their commitment proves that Bosnia and Herzegovina's future is in strong hands. Freedom of expression is a fundamental right, as well as a driving force for democratic progress. Regrettably, there are currently numerous threats to freedom of expression in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and these are enhanced by new technologies, in particular social media. New technologies however also provide new tools to support the fight to protect freedom of expression. This project showcases the power of young voices to shape a society to value open dialogue, resists hate speech and embraces change. I am pleased that we are funding this project to support young activists on their journey, and I urge each of them to keep advocating for the Bosnia and Herzegovina we all wish to see, a country that values freedom, and where all voices are heard and respected", said Ambassador Soreca.

YoungFreedom of Expression Ambassadors will also work to raise awareness among their peers about the importance of freedom of expression within their local communities. In the coming period, the young ambassadors will engage in activities such as visits to media offices, workshops with civil society organizations and meetings with representatives of local authorities and the judiciary.

"As we all know, the right to freedom of expression is one of the basic human rights and is stipulated by the European Convention on Human Rights. I believe that young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina should take the initiative in the fight for changes that will make our society better. Through our activities in this project, we ambassadors of freedom of expression want to use our freedom and create positive changes in society," said Young Ambassador Romana Balatunović from Brod.

Additionally, panel discussions are planned where young people, together with experts in the field, will have the opportunity to discuss the status of media in BiH, the recriminalisation of defamation, freedom of assembly, the importance of diverse opinions, and ways to encourage inclusion in society.

'The goal of this project, which will directly and indirectly involve around 1,300 young people, is to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the right to freedom of expression, recognize the limitations and violations of these freedoms, and emphasize that hate speech, misogyny and the intimidation of journalists and activists is not freedom,' explained Hana Čengić, project manager of the Association JaBiHEU.

Further activities of the project "HUB for the Protection of Freedom of Expression" can be followed on the website and social media channels of the Association JaBiHEU Sarajevo