Baruch College

09/27/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Professor Theordore Joyce Receives $19,646 Grant from the American Talent Initiative

Professor Theordore Joyce Receives $19,646 Grant from the American Talent Initiative

Research Focuses on CUNY's SEEK Program and its Outcomes for Students

September 27, 2024


The American Talent Initiative (ATI) has awarded a $19,646 grant to Theodore Joyce, PhD, Professor of Economics at Baruch College's Zicklin School of Business, to support his research project titled "SEEK-ing a Better Future: An Evaluation."

This project aims to evaluate the academic outcomes of first-time undergraduates enrolled in The City University of New York's Percy Ellis Sutton Search for Education, Elevation, and Knowledge (SEEK) program.

The SEEK program-designed to support historically underrepresented students, particularly those from low-income backgrounds-has been a cornerstone of CUNY's efforts to promote access and equity in higher education. Professor Joyce's research will delve into critical components of outcomes for SEEK students, including retention rates, credit accumulation, grade point averages, academic majors, and graduation rates.

According to ATI, its Research Grants Program Committee expressed interest in understanding how the effects of the SEEK program relate to other initiatives, such CUNY's Accelerated Studies in Associate Program (ASAP), and what implications this may have for institutions seeking to implement similar interventions.

"I'm grateful to ATI for providing needed funding for this research project," said Professor Joyce. "This grant will allow us to assess the effectiveness of the SEEK program and its impact on student success. By understanding the experiences and outcomes of SEEK students, we can better inform policies and initiatives aimed at supporting underrepresented students in higher education."

Moreover, as part of the grant, funding will be provided to employ a SEEK student to assist in the research process.

"This opportunity will help the undergraduate develop skills in program evaluation and research methodology," added Professor Joyce. "Such hands-on experience will be valuable when the student explores career opportunities or advanced academic studies after graduation."

In Spring 2025, Professor Joyce will share his research findings, along with other ATI grantees. This virtual event will serve as a platform for engaging institutional leaders and key stakeholders in meaningful dialogue about the various research topics studied and the key findings.

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