Department of the Taoiseach

09/19/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Government welcomes publication of the NESC’s report Boosting Ireland’s Housing Supply: Modern Methods of Construction

The Government welcomes the publication of the National Economic and Social Council's (NESC) report, Boosting Ireland's Housing Supply: Modern Methods of Construction . The report finds that greater adoption of MMC for residential development can substantially increase housing supply, drive higher productivity gains, and meet the environmental goal of decarbonising housing delivery.

These findings are fully aligned with the objectives of Housing for All and the Government's Roadmap for increased adoption of Modern Methods of Construction in Public Housing Delivery published in July 2023.

Government is leading by example and a range of initiatives is being advanced to drive innovation and productivity in construction, including the establishment of the "Construct Innovate" Technology Centre, the roll out of innovation and productivity supports under Enterprise Ireland's "Built to Innovate" initiative, strengthening NSAI Agrément, and the forthcoming launch of a national Demonstration Park for MMC at Mount Lucas.

The NESC report welcomes progress under the Government's Accelerated Delivery Programme which will provide over 1,500 new social homes on 36 sites across 13 local authorities using MMC. Pilot projects have also been initiated in Wexford and Carlow to deliver new social and affordable homes using 3D volumetric construction systems.

The Council's report also emphasises the benefits of timber-based MMC. Last year, Government established a Steering Group to increase the use of timber in construction in Ireland. Work is advancing under five key themes with more information available here.

The NESC publication highlights the skills transformation required to support the transition to MMC and acknowledges the recent report from the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs which includes a number of recommendations to further develop and foster a collaborative and innovative learning environment. Work is ongoing on an Action Plan to deliver on these recommendations.

Government is committed to scaling up its ambition and targeting even higher levels of housing delivery over the coming years. Increasing the adoption of MMC will be an important contributor.

The forthcoming Housing for All Action Plan Update will set out how we plan to build momentum around MMC and will include actions which build on the achievements to date.

The full NESC Report No.166, "Boosting Ireland's Housing Supply: Modern Methods of Construction" can be read at .