International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

10/03/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/03/2024 08:58

Firefighters and Paramedics begin Negotiations Preparations

IAM members of Local W33 recently traveled to the William Winpisinger Education Center (W3) in Hollywood, Maryland. The three-member team who participated were IAM Local W33 President Dan Sweney, District 5, Business Representative Jeff Hoopan, and IAM Local 33 Steward Steffan Tveit, who began the one-week negotiation preparation for firefighters and paramedics on a new contract with the city of International Falls, Minnesota.
"It's incredible as we are a small bargaining group of 9 members," Said Steffan Tveit, yet we are so happy to have all the resources from the IAM."

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Many topics were covered, including the Committee's roles and responsibilities in Identifying critical tasks. The team also focused on using bargaining surveys and interpreting employer financial information with help from the IAM strategic resources department. The committee learned how to identify leverage points that can be used to move issues at the table. IAM W3 Instructor Jeff McLeod reviewed important information on the value of a contract. During this important training, the committee focused on drafting and amending their contract language and is now better prepared for upcoming talks.