Pinal County, AZ

24/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 24/07/2024 16:11

Protect Your Pets from the Heat

As we roll into the hottest months of the year, we must recognize the dangers of extreme heat for pets.

Ideally, pets should be kept inside on hot days. If that is impossible, always ensure your pets have plenty of water and shade. You can always create a cooler environment outside with misters, ice treats, and kiddie pools.

Never walk or hike with your dogs when there is an extreme heat warning. This puts your pet at risk of overheating or burning their paws. The safest time to walk your dog in the summer is in the late evening, night, or early morning.

Many pets suffer from heat-related injuries, illness, or even death during the summer.

Learn more about protecting your pets from the heat by watching Pinal County's heat safety video for pets.