Presidency of the Republic of Moldova

09/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/17/2024 01:09

Remarks by President Maia Sandu at the 5th edition of the Moldova Partnership Platform

Esteemed ministers,

Dear partners and friends,

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honor to open the 5th edition of this forum of great importance in our country's path towards progress, resilience, and stability. Looking around this room, I am filled with gratitude and hope - Moldova is not alone. We are surrounded by friends, and together, we are stronger.

I extend my sincere thanks to France, Germany and Romania for their leadership in creating this platform and to all our partners who supported this idea. The Moldova Support Platform is now evolving into the Moldova Partnership Platform, a name that better aligns with our evolving role and needs.

We began this journey together in Berlin, back in April 2022, shortly after Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine. During that challenging period, Moldova was grappling with multiple crises - from a refugee influx to an energy shortage and the economic strain caused by the war - but we have made significant strides since then.

We have maintained peace and stability at home and strengthened our institutions. We have stabilized our energy supply by diversifying our sources and gradually begun the transition towards greener solutions. We have been implementing important reforms in many sectors. We have shown the world that Moldova can overcome challenges with vision, courage and empathy.

Let me say clearly: the support we received from our friends in Europe and around the world was crucial in withstanding the onslaught of the crisis. This solidarity stands as the clearest evidence of who Moldova can truly count on.

But as we take stock today of the situation, it's important to acknowledge another reality: the challenges we face remain significant. The challenges before us are not just Moldova's - they are Europe's. But we have been hit much harder than most. And these challenges are in no way receding. With the means available, we managed to stabilize the economic and financial situation but for recovery we need to do much more.

Dear partners,

You are all aware that Russia's war against Ukraine, which we condemned from the very first day, hurt our economy deeply, more than any other economies, except for Ukraine. And the uncertainty created by the war continues to severely constrain our economic development and will continue to do so for as long as the war lasts.

The climate of uncertainty is making private investors more cautious. I applaud the foreign investors who have remained committed to Moldova during these challenging times, but many others continue to hesitate.

While both private investment and private consumption are finally showing signs of recovery, these are still too modest to become engines that could drive our economic growth.

Under these circumstances and perhaps for a few years to come,public investment is one of the key available tools to back economic recovery.And our need for investment, particularly in infrastructure, is substantial. Moreover, such investment is a critical foundation for enabling the private sector to grow and eventually take the lead in driving development.

I understand that many of you today face financial constraints. So do we. But the crisis we face has no regard for them. And as the safety and stability of Europe is our common interest, you may consider the support we seek, not just as assistance to Moldova, but as the action required to serve the purpose we all share.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Moldova's future growth, stability and democratic consolidation are tied to its path toward European Union membership.Joining the European Union is Moldova's Marshall Plan.

In the meantime, however, the challenges will remain serious. What happens now will determine the future we strive for. We are in a race against time. To prevail we need to fill the gaps of today. We cannot achieve this without your help.

More importantly, we cannot achieve it if that help is not faster, more flexible, increasing and focused on our needs - on economic growth, on infrastructure, on jobs, on empowering our small and medium-sized enterprises and investing more in the green transition.

One important aspect that we all need to remember is that economic growth and democracy feed off each other. Economic progress is crucial for strengthening support for democracy and democracy is the best foundation for creating a prosperous economy.

Dear friends,

As we embark on this new phase of the Moldova Partnership Platform, I urge all of you - our partners - to be bold, innovative, and decisive. Moldova is ready to drive growth and stability at home and in the region, but we can't do it alone, so we count on your further support.


Doamnelor și domnilor, dragi prieteni,

Aici în Moldova avem un proverb pe care îl folosim des: "Unde-i unul nu-i putere, unde-s mulți puterea crește!"

Ei bine, noi suntem mulți, și cu voi alături, suntem și mai puternici. Astăzi, Moldova e la o răscruce, dar nu e o răscruce în care nu știm încotro să mergem.

Știm bine direcția: înainte, spre un viitor european, unde pacea și prosperitatea sunt la ordinea zilei. Viitorul țării noastre nu se construiește peste noapte, dar fiecare pas pe care îl facem împreună ne duce mai aproape de acel viitor stabil, european, unde fiecare cetățean trăiește cu demnitate și în siguranță.

Mesajul meu principal de astăzi este că nu mai avem luxul de a pierde timp - trebuie să acționăm decisiv și cu mai multă certitudine. Am cerut ca sprijinul pe care îl primim să fie cât mai direct, flexibil și rapid.

Moldova are un potențial enorm, dar, cu războiul la hotar, ne este dificil să-l valorificăm. Iar istoria ne-a învățat că nicio țară nu a reușit să devină un succes economic fără un sprijin inițial solid și parteneriate de durată. Acesta este ajutorul pe care l-am cerut partenerilor noștri.

Tot ceea ce facem are scopul de a îmbunătăți viața oamenilor noștri - să construim drumuri, poduri, școli, spitale și să creăm noi locuri de muncă. Avem multe de făcut și știm că doar împreună putem transforma visurile noastre în realitate. Suntem gata să muncim cot la cot pentru a construi o Moldovă puternică, un loc unde toți ne simțim acasă, într-o Europă unită.

Vă mulțumesc. Thank you.