China BlueChemical Ltd.

06/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/17/2024 18:27

China BlueChemical Awarded the Tit...

News Releases
China BlueChemical Awarded the Title of 'Industry Stewardship Champion' by IFA
Date of release:2024-06-18 Times of browsing: Word number:[ largeinSmall ]

Recently, the International Fertiliser Association (IFA) officially informed in a letter that China BlueChemical has successfully passed the IFA's "Industry Stewardship Champion"(ISC) certification. The medal will be personally awarded by the IFA Chairman during the IFA Strategic Forum to be held in Madrid in November 2024.

For the past two years, China BlueChemical has been dedicated to enhancing the company's green, low-carbon, and sustainable development capabilities, focusing on proactive planning and active efforts in areas such as safety management, green development, quality improvement, technological empowerment, and brand promotion. During the 2023 IFA conference, the company proactively invited the IFA Director of Sustainable Development and Head of China Initiative to visit and inspect Fudao Company. During the inspection, the director believed that the company's safety management, energy consumption management, and environmental performance management basically met IFA's certification requirements. Consequently, the company applied for the 2024 IFA 'Industry Stewardship Champion' certification. After continuous efforts, the standards and indicators of various tasks finally met IFA's certification requirements.

The IFA 'Industry Stewardship Champion' (ISC) aims to award fertiliser companies that meet relevant standards in areas such as product regulation, safety, environmental performance, energy efficiency, and carbon dioxide emissions. This title represents world-class sustainable fertiliser production management, and companies awarded this title will be recognised globally for their excellence in product management.

IFA, established in the UK in 1927, is the world's only non-profit organisation in the fertiliser industry. It has over 500 corporate members from 85 countries, covering major production and distribution companies within the fertiliser industry. IFA holds significant influence in the global fertiliser industryand provides consultancy services to various United Nations organisations, including the Food and Agriculture Organisation, the International Maritime Organisation, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, and the Economic and Social Council.