DCCC - Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

07/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/16/2024 07:41

Republican National Convention Day 1: Make the Ultra Rich Even Wealthier, Ignore the Middle Class

During the RNC, House GOP falls in line with Trump's plan to raise costs on working families and cut Social Security and Medicare

On the first day of the Republican National Convention, House Republicans in Milwaukee promoted their disastrous plans to bail out the ultra wealthy and big corporations, all while cutting seniors' hard-earned benefits as a part of Donald Trump's Project 2025.

House Republicans have been hard at work to push Trump's cost-raising Project 2025 agenda in Congress by:

DCCC Spokesperson Viet Shelton:
"House Republicans are obsessed with helping their billionaire friends, big corporations, and special interests while raising costs on everyday families. People can clearly see that on their first day of the convention, House Republicans are more interested in delivering handouts for the ultra wealthy than delivering for the middle class."