NASEO - National Association of State Energy Officials

23/07/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 23/07/2024 17:19

NASEO Releases Publications on Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit and Stakeholder Engagement Strategies

On July 23, 2024, NASEO, with support from Breakthrough Energy, released two new publications on clean hydrogen for State and Territory Energy Offices. These resources are part of a toolkit developed with input from the NASEO Clean Hydrogen State Working Group.

The first tool, Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit: Overview and Implications, provides State and Territory Energy Offices with a high-level overview of the proposed guidance for the clean hydrogen production tax credit (45V); implications for states and the private sector; and opportunities for state-level incentives that compliment or expand on the federal tax credit. State Energy Offices are working with public and private partners to explore production, end-use opportunities, related economic development and workforce considerations, private sector investment, and emissions reduction potential of clean hydrogen. An understanding of the 45V tax credit and the different requirements it entails are important to support and move clean hydrogen policies, programs, projects, and planning efforts forward.

The second tool, Engaging Stakeholders on Clean Hydrogen Efforts, aims to guide State Energy Offices in planning for, implementing, and evaluating stakeholder engagement efforts surrounding clean hydrogen activities by providing a framework, examples of successful strategies, and additional models and best practices to consult. As State Energy Offices continue to explore opportunities for clean hydrogen, conducting meaningful, two-way engagement early and often in the program or policy design process can help build stakeholder support while also improving program and project outcomes, ensuring community benefits, and enabling the success of future hydrogen initiatives. The tool intends to support states engaging stakeholders on a broad spectrum of clean hydrogen activities, including hydrogen roadmaps, policy and program development, and implementation of the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs.

Please visit the NASEO Hydrogen page for more information on the toolkit and ways to engage with the NASEO Clean Hydrogen State Working Group.