The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

10/17/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/17/2024 07:44

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev addresses the plenary session of the inaugural Astana Think Tank Forum


Astana, Kazakhstan

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev addresses the plenary session of the inaugural Astana Think Tank Forum

October 17, 2024

At the beginning of his speech, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted that this dialogue platform held under the auspices of the Astana International Forum is a vital space for exchanging ideas on the most pressing global and regional issues.

"As you well know, the world faces unprecedented challenges: regional conflicts, economic turbulence, climate change, and food and migration crises. These global issues affect us all and demand our collective joint response. Our shared future depends on our ability to come together and find common solutions. That is why Kazakhstan is honored to facilitate this important dialogue," he said.

The Head of State believes that the role of middle powers grows as the world becomes increasingly polarized, and multilateral institutions weaken.

"When larger powers are locked in rivalries or unable to reach consensus, it is often middle powers that step_in to maintain dialogue, mediate disputes, and sustain the frameworks that uphold global cooperation," Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted.

The President informed the forum participants about the political reforms being implemented in Kazakhstan to ensure the prosperity and meeting the democratic aspirations of the people. In his opinion, the recent nationwide referendum on the construction of the nuclear power plant demonstrated the country's commitment to democracy.

As he emphasized, the ongoing reforms are crucial not only for maintaining domestic stability but also for fostering an environment conducive to economic growth and foreign investment.

"Economically, Kazakhstan has made great strides. We have attracted $400 billion in foreign direct investment. Kazakhstan is launching a new investment cycle with a strategic FDI goal of $150 billion by 2029. We recognize the need to provide investors comprehensive end-to-end state support and prompt decision-making. That is why we have established a high-level investment board to oversee strategic investment projects," Kassym-Jomart Tokayev stated.

The Kazakh Leader stated that his country has been realising its mission as an authoritative member of the international community for many years.

- The key pillars of our foreign policy are independence, multiláteralism, regional stability and diplomacy. In this regard, we strongly support the United Nations' central role as the world's sole universal organization, driving global cooperation and progress. We believe that constructive engagement with all major partners is essential to fostering long-term peace and prosperity, both in our region and beyond, " he added.

In this vein, as President underlined, Kazakhstan hosted parts of the Iran Nuclear Deal process, the Syria talks, and more recently meetings between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The President paid special attention to as nuclear disarmament and environmental protection issues.

"We voluntarily relinquished our nuclear arsenal, and will continue to champion global non-proliferation efforts. Our initiative to establish an International Agency on Biological Safety also complements our commitment to addressing emerging threats in the global security landscape. In the domain of the environmental protection, Kazakhstan is committed to the goals of the global climate agenda. We are strong supporters of the
Paris climate agreement," Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said.

The Head of State claimed that Kazakhstan will continue to advocate for the voices of middle powers in international forums such as the UN Security Council.

"We envision a more inclusive and resilient international system. Nations, regardless of size, must be able to contribute to building a better world. Kazakhstan reaffirms its unwavering commitment to playing a proactive, visionary role on the global stage. We stand at the intersection of diplomacy, economic cooperation, and multilateral governance. Our influence - when exercised collectively with our fellow partners - can profoundly shape the world of tomorrow. We are not bystanders in this evolving international order. Instead we aim to be contributing architects of a more balanced, just, and resilient global system," the Kazak Leader stated.

In this context, the Head of State gave some remarks on the situation in Ukraine.

"As I mentioned during my recent meeting with Chancellor Scholz, Russia militarily is invincible. This is a fact confirmed by Russia's military capabilities, and the support of the Russian people for the policy of the President Putin, and by history itself. Therefore, we believe that seeking peaceful solutions is absolutely essential, and we support realistic peace plans from all countries, including China and Brazil. There is no other way. The alternative is a war of mutual extermination. Perhaps some world powers are interested in this, but this is the path to the abyss. The pursuit of peace through constructive dialogue is not a sign of weakness, but a reflection of strategic wisdom and foresight, " Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said.

After his speech, the President took the opportunity to respond to a number of questions from the forum participants.

Lars-Hendrick Röller, the Chair of Berlin Global Dialogue, who was moderating the session, enquired of the President about Kazakhstan`s role in the region and the challenges it faces in leveraging the middle powers ground through regional cooperation.

"First of all, I would like to indicate that we are absolutely committed to the regional policy and have close cooperation with all our immediate neighbors in Central Asia. The more cooperation we do have here, the better it will be for the interests of Kazakhstan and other Central Asian states. The current situation is quite different from what it was, say, 10 years ago. Nowadays we have active cooperation and multifaceted ties in so many areas. Here in Central Asia, we hold regular meetings of heads of state. I believe that these meetings are also very helpful. So, my answer is quite clear. This is our basic policy of enhancing the strategic balance. Response to the challenges that unfortunately come from outside or sometimes from inside should be through joint or collective efforts. I think that Central Asia is becoming conspicuous on the world map. I hope that my counterparts in Central Asia will agree that we will be doing our best in order to enhance the capabilities of these very important regions. Speaking about the United Nations, I strongly believe that the United Nations needs to be strengthened because it is indispensable. There are so many flaws and shortcomings in the organization itself, but we have no alternative on the global map. That is why Kazakhstan will be continuously committed to having good cooperation with all like-minded countries with regard to the United Nations in order to put efforts to strengthen it. The voices of regional powers and the so-called middle powers need to be amplified, first, in the Security Council. The Security Council also needs to be reformed because it is becoming outdated. Unfortunately, it is in the deadlock. Therefore, we need to find a way out from this situation. We need to support the United Nations, which will be marking its 80th anniversary next year," The Kassym-Jomart Tokayev responded.

The next question was about the role of the Middle Powers in the UN Process and promoting multilateralism.

"As strong supporters of multilateralism, we believe that the current world and the world of the future must be universal, based on the principles envisaged by the Charter of the United Nations. We need to adhere to the UN Charter. Nobody has the right to break it because there are no alternatives. The UN Charter is a pillar of the contemporary international world. There must be some negative feelings with regard to the United Nations, disappointments or whatever, but we need to get together, stop the wars and conflicts, and try to find a language of dialogue. Speaking about Kazakhstan, peaceful development for my country is necessary to pursue the reforms and make what we have envisaged in our strategic plans. We have huge plans with regard to strengthening our potential, either policy or economic. That is why we are championing the goals of peace. We are very grateful to our partners around the world with whom we develop multifaceted cooperation. Kazakhstan is open for international markets. I have already mentioned that we want to attract as much foreign direct investment as is possible, and we create favorable conditions for those who would like to come here," The President concluded.

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