District of Columbia Department of Transportation

07/12/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Public Hearing on B25 794, B25 812, B25 613, B25 743, B25 748, B25 828, B25 829, B25 830

Public Hearing on

B25-794, the "Evanti Court Designation Act of 2024"

B25-812, the "Ida B. Wells Alley Designation Act of 2024"

B25-613, the "Cain's Way Designation Act of 2023"

B25-743, the "Alexei Navalny Way Designation Act of 2024"

B25-748, the "Joseph P. Yeldell Plaza Designation Act of 2024"

B25-828, the "Alma Thomas Way Designation Act of 2024"

B25-829, the "Zelda Fichandler Way Designation Act of 2024"

B25-830, the "Pearl B. Settles Way Designation Act of 2024"

Testimony of Brant Miller, Manager, Policy and Legislative Affairs Division, District Department of Transportation

Before the Committee of the Whole

Council of the District of Columbia

July 12, 2024
1:00 p.m.

John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20004

Hearing Room 412