Republican Party of New Mexico

02/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/07/2024 23:13

Leaked Democratic Poll: Trump Now Leads Biden in NM

NM Democrats still refuse to give answers on whether Biden is fit to lead.
ALBUQUERQUE, JULY 2-Today, a leaked, internal poll from Open Labs, the research arm of the prominent Democratic political action committee Future Forward, revealed that President Biden's favorability has dropped significantly after his disastrous performance in the first presidential debate. The poll also shows former President Donald J. Trump narrowly leading Biden in New Mexico, as well as leading in most swing states.
Other pressing discoveries include:
- Biden experienced the most significant single-week drop in favorability since 2021.

- A staggering 69% of voters are very or somewhat concerned about the impact of Biden's age on his ability to do the job of President.40% of 2020 Biden voters now say he should end his campaign.

- Swing voters would prefer Biden leave the race by a nearly 2-to-1 margin.

Democratic leadership in New Mexico has mostly avoided discussing the big elephant in the room: whether they believe Biden is unfit to lead as President of the United States.

"While New Mexico Democrats like Rep. Gabe Vasquez and Sen. Martin Heinrich refuse to take a stand on Biden's competency as President, this poll reveals that the American people have already made up their minds," said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. "Joe Biden is not fit to be the President, and New Mexicans will not stand for their representatives lying to them and gaslighting them into believing otherwise. New Mexicans know the truth, and now it's time for Gabe Vasquez and Martin Heinrich to admit it."

Read the complete polling report HERE.