Tai Twun Enterprise Co. Ltd.

10/05/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/04/2024 17:30

The announcement processed in accordance with the Letter Tai Zheng Shang Yi Zi No.1121801204 of Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation

Today's Information

SEQ_NO 1 Date of announcement 2024/10/05 Time of announcement 07:27:16
 The announcement processed in accordance with
the Letter Tai Zheng Shang Yi Zi No.1121801204 of
Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation
Date of events 2024/10/05 To which item it meets paragraph 51
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/10/05
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter "head office" or
  "subsidiaries"):Head office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:NA
5.Cause of occurrence:
 According to the Letter Tai Zheng Shang Yi Zi No.1121801204 of Taiwan
 Stock Exchange Corporation, the company should regularly disclose material
 information every week about the balance of each fund held, and the status
 of subscription and redemption transactions, and the recovery status and
 balance of fund redemption receivables.
 (1)The investment balance of the company and its subsidiaries based on
    the latest published net value of the invested funds (as of 2024/10/05)
    is US$53,286 thousand (equivalent to NT$1,703,029 thousand), and its
    fair value assessment is NT$0 yuan.
                                      US$       NT$     Fair           
       Fund (Abbreviation)         thousand  thousand  Value Trader Issuer
  ============================     ======== =========  ====  ====== ======
  Spectra SPC Powerfund (PF)         21,984   702,617     0    AA     STI
  Asian Strategic Long Term Fund (GP) 8,151   260,506     0    AA    CCIB
  Asian Strategic Orient Fund (GH)    9,099   290,805     0    AA    CCIB
  Longchamp Absolute Return Unit
    Trust Fund (LC)                  14,052   449,101     0  CCAM-N  CCAM
                                     ------ ---------  ----
                             Total   53,286 1,703,029     0
                                     ====== =========  ====
     (A)AA:Ayers Alliance Financial Group Ltd.
     (B)STI:STI PF Limited
     (C)CCIB:City Credit Investment Bank Limited
     (D)CCAM-N:City Credit Asset Management Nominee Co., Ltd.
     (E)CCAM:CCAM Co., Ltd.
     (F)The base date for the latest published net unit value:
        (PF)=2023/02/14 (GP)=2023/03/28 (GH)=2023/03/30 (LC)=2023/07/07
 (2)The company and its subsidiaries had no new fund subscription or
    redemption transactions in 2024 as of 2024/10/05.
 (3)As of 2024/10/05, the company has two uncollected fund redemption
    receivables with an amount of US$2,041 thousand (equivalent to
    NT$65,221 thousand), and its amount after impairment assessment is
    NT$0 yuan.
       Fund     Trading      US$      NT$  Amortized
   Abbreviation   Day     thousand thousand  Cost   Trader  Issuer
     =========  =======   =======  ======  ======= ======== =======
       PF      2023/02/15   1,032  32,972       0     AA      STI
       LC      2023/02/20   1,009  32,249       0   CCAM-N   CCAM
                           ------  ------  -------
                     Total  2,041  65,221       0
                           ======  ======  =======
7.Any other matters that need to be specified (the information disclosure
  also meets the requirements of Article 7, subparagraph 9 of the Securities
  and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules, which brings forth a significant impact
  on shareholders rights or the price of the securities on public companies.):
 (1)The company will closely monitor the subsequent developments of
    the aforementioned four funds and has engaged professionals to
    assist the company in asserting its rights to safeguard the
    interests of all shareholders.
 (2)Regarding financial and business-related information of the
    company, the company will make disclosures in accordance with
    relevant regulations. If further notifications or other matters
    requiring disclosure are received, investors are advised to refer
    to the information provided in the company's official announcements.