Rick Scott

07/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/23/2024 15:53

Sen. Rick Scott Fights for Answers, Accountability on Dangerous Government Fraud, Waste & Abuse at the Border

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson to speak at a roundtable and hear from whistleblowers about massive government fraud, waste and abuse seen at the southern border, and urge accountability and transparency from the Biden-Harris administration.

Senator Rick Scott said, "The Biden-Harris administration has caused the border to collapse on their watch. It's a complete failure, and no one can deny that. America is a more dangerous place because Border Czar Kamala Harris, President Biden and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Mayorkas have allowed criminals, drugs, terrorists, and other dangerous people into our communities. Vice President Harris was supposed to end the massive invasion of illegal immigration that she and Joe Biden fueled by destroying the secure border they inherited, but she failed and allowed 10 million people to come in illegally. There are real consequences to their failure to secure the border and each victim, like Laken Riley and Rachel Morin, has a name. Real Americans are being killed. Real American families are being torn apart by vicious crimes and deadly drugs because of Border Czar Harris' failures. Yet, instead of protecting these whistleblowers for speaking up and telling the truth to Congress, this administration continues to persecute and go after them. That is unacceptable. I want to thank my colleagues, Senators Grassley and Johnson, for hosting today's roundtable and bringing attention to the issues that are top of mind to Americans everywhere. It is time for real reforms that secure our border and prioritize the safety of families who are all feeling the impacts of the open border crisis that this administration has created. It's time to get Washington to work."


Earlier this Congress, Senators Rick Scott, Tom Cotton and Marco Rubio introduced the Stop Human Trafficking of Unaccompanied Migrant Children Act. This bill addresses the recent reports of unaccompanied migrant children being released to sponsors who have not received proper screening from the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Read more HERE.
