Georgia College & State University

09/09/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/08/2024 22:07

Free tutoring in World Languages with the Language Resource Center

Free tutoring in World Languages with the Language Resource Center

Did you know that the Language Resource Center offers free tutoring to all Georgia College & State University students studying French, German, Italian and Spanish? Peer tutors are available to provide support through tutoring, conversation practice and language study skills consultation. Appointments can be booked (at least 24 hours in advance by visiting[email protected]/ or by scanning the QR code in our graphic. Tutoring sessions take place in the Language Resource Center (A&S 273). Our tutors are upper level world language students and/or heritage speakers of their language and are ready to break down the nuts and bolts of the language to make it more accessible to you. Book your appointment now to stay on course for a successful semester of language learning.

Updated: 2024-08-30
Gina Towner
(478) 445-4471