South Africa Government

05/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/16/2024 04:38

Social Development launches Child Protection week, 19 May

Social Development launches Child Protection week on the 19 May

This year, the country celebrates 30 Years of freedom and democracy and as the department of social development launches Child Protection week on the 19 May 2024, it is important to pause and reflect on South Africa's strides and progress in protecting the rights of children.

South Africa had to go through deliberate transformation and one of the key priorities for government was to ensure the protection and upholding of human rights including the rights of children.

Previous laws were informed by colonial and apartheid systems, which brought the provision of services based on race and colour.

These laws, amongst others, included, the Group Areas Act, Bantu Local Authorities Act and the 1923 Native Areas Act which segregated urban residential space and created "influx controls" to reduce access to cities by blacks.

All these and other pieces of legislation had a negative impact on the lives of Blacks, Coloureds, and Indian communities who were discriminated because of their colour and were categorised as minority groups without access to basic services, including, clean water, quality education, and their right to dignity.

The South African family was disintegrated; separated through migrant labour laws leaving children with one or no caregiver or parent.

The democratic government in its efforts to advance the dignity and human rights of the people, it prioritised the development of the Constitution which was signed into law in 1996. Section 28 of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution guarantees children their rights; which include amongst others, the right to a name, citizenship, education care and support.

Children need food and shelter for their development and survival and should be protected from maltreatment, neglect, abuse or degradation as well as from exploitative labour practices.

When Nelson Mandela became President, he committed to creating and leading a people-centred society, and spoke to the needs of caring for children and young people.
"The youth of our country are the valued possession of the nation. Without them there can be no future. Their needs are immense and urgent. They are at the centre of our reconstruction and development plan".

To demonstrate the commitment of the new government to the rights of children, in his first State of the Nation Address, he ordered the release of children who were incarcerated by the then oppressive government.

Before 2005, children's services were regulated by the Child Care Act which was later overhauled and replaced by the Children's Act 38 of 2005. The introduction of Children's Act brought in a paradigm shift in the provision of child protection services and put the best interest of all children at the centre.

The strengthened child protection measures saw the introduction of services that were geared towards care and protection of children, cushioning orphans, and vulnerable children as well as the protection of children in need of care and protection.

In celebrating the country's 30 years of freedom and democracy, the Minister of social development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu, will launch the Child Protection Week campaign to reflect on the gains of the country and to promote the rights of children.
Government has invested in children through various services like education, health, access to clean water, health, electricity and currently has the biggest social assistance programme aimed at protecting children.
This year, the campaign was brought forward due to the national elections and will be commemorated under the theme: "Protecting South African Children, 30 years on".

South Africa through the UN Convention on the rights of the child and the African Charter on the rights and welfare of the child is obligated to look after every child within its borders.

Members of the media are invited to cover the launch organised as follows:

Date: 19 May 2024
Venue: Mittah Seperepere Convention Centre, 10 W Circular Rd, West End, Kimberley - Northern Cape Province
Time: 10:00

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Media can RSVP by contacting Ms Nomfundo Xulu-Lentsoane on 066 480 6845 or email [email protected]

Media enquiries may be sent to Ms Lumka Oliphant on 083 484 8067 or email [email protected]