Ministry of National Defence of the Hellenic Republic

09/27/2024 | Press release | Archived content

Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias Attends FTX “IASON – POSEIDON 24 B’ ” and Visits Kinaros and Levitha

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Minister of National Defence Nikos Dendias Attends FTX "IASON - POSEIDON 24 B' " and Visits Kinaros and Levitha

September 27, 2024


On Thursday 26 September 2024, the Minister of National Defence, Nikos Dendias, concluded his visit to points within the Area of Responsibility of the Supreme Military Command of Interior and Islands, observing in the process, a phase of the Field Exercise (FTX) Codename "Iason - Poseidon 24 B' ".

The Minister was accompanied by the Chief of Hellenic National Defence General Staff, General Dimitrios Houpis, the Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis, the Commanding General of the Supreme Military Command of Interior and Islands, Lieutenant General Emmanouil Theodorou, and the Commanding General of the 80thHigher National Guard Battalions Command, Brigadier General Pavlos Andrikopoulos.

FTX "Iason - Poseidon 24 B' " took place in the area of responsibility of the 80thHigher National Guard Battalions Command, where Operation Plans of the Formation were examined and nighttime activities were executed by forces of the National Guard.

After the conclusion of the exercise, the Minister of National Defence stated:

"Chief of Hellenic National Defence General Staff,

Chief of Hellenic Army Staff,

Brigadier General,

Commander of the exercise,

I would firstly like to congratulate you. I do not possess great experience on the matter, but I observed a similar exercise during spring. I would like to say that tonight's exercise was impressive as regards time precision, the execution of the scenario, and created a sense of self-confidence regarding the capabilities of our Country's Armed Forces, when it comes to facing harsh situations in the Areas of Responsibility of our Units, at the eastern borders of our country.

So, consequently, I would like to take the chance to congratulate you and your Staff Officers. I would like to congratulate the personnel, the men and women who participated in the exercise, the pilots of the helicopters and aircraft, the captain of the Gunboat, and the Hellenic Navy.

I would like to repeat, that I think that the way that this exercise was carried out creates the idea that our Country can defend its sovereignty in those harsh conditions, if those occur, since, of course, it is an islet we are talking about here. An islet does not simply have sovereign rights. It is a part of our sovereignty. The recapturing of islets is one of the basic scenarios, which are examined by the Armed Forces, and, consequently, their execution in such an excellent manner, constitutes, I think, our basic obligation and duty.

Once again, my warmest congratulations to all of you! However, I would also like to say that what we should do, and which we will actually do, is that such exercises are constantly repeated, so that we can achieve perfection. That is to execute our constitutional right, and it is the Armed Forces of our Country I am referring to, under all hardships. Once again, my deepest congratulations. Thank you very much".

Earlier that afternoon, Mr. Dendias went to Kinaros, where he laid a wreath to the Monument of the Fallen on mount Papas, where the AB212 HN-28 Helicopter crashed in 2016, and where Lieutenants Anastasios Toulitsis and Konstantinos Pananas HN, as well as Warrant Officer Eleftherios Evangelou lost their lives in the line of duty.

Additionally, he met the only inhabitant of the islet, Irini Katsotourhi.

The Minister also visited Levitha, where he met the Kabosos family, who reside there since 1820. He was briefed on the living conditions on the islet, and expressed his gratitude because the rights of our Country are maintained alive.