Republic of Bulgaria National Assembly

12/07/2024 | Press release | Archived content

12/07/2024 MPs adopted the Rules of Organization and Procedure of the National Assembly

MPs adopted the Rules of Organization and Procedure of the National Assembly


MPs adopted the Rules of Organization and Procedure of the National Assembly There will be 25 permanent committees in Parliament.

In determining the composition of the Standing Committees, the ratio between the number of Parliamentary Groups will be preserved, except for the Standing Committee for Control of the Security Services.

A minimum of ten MPs are needed to form a parliamentary group, Parliament also decided. Members of the National Assembly from a Parliamentary Group that has ceased to exist will become non-members of a group and cannot join as members of another Parliamentary Group, nor can they form a new one.

A MP of the National Assembly, who has left or has been expelled from a Parliamentary Group, will become a Member of the National Assembly who does not participate in any Parliamentary Group, will not be able to apply for affiliation and shall not be admitted as a member of another Parliamentary Group.

In the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament remained the provision that regular plenary sittings and committee meetings will not be held during the period from the opening of the election campaign for MPs to the convening of the newly elected National Assembly.

MPs also agreed that when a bill submitted by the Council of Ministers is discussed, it should be presented by a minister or a deputy minister.