Delegation of the European Union to Georgia

07/02/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/02/2024 04:36

Inauguration of a new fisheries facility at Anse aux Pins, Seychelles

Excellency, Mr Wavel Ramkalawan, President of the Republic of Seychelles,

Honourable, Mr Jean-Francois Ferrari, Designated Minister, Minister for Fisheries and Blue Economy,

Honourable Ministers,

Excellencies of the diplomatic corps,

Dear Mr, Jan Robinson, CEO of the Seychelles Fishing Authority,

Dear Fishers,

Members of the Press,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am happy and honoured to be with you today for the inauguration of this new fisheries facility in Anse aux Pins on the eve of the celebration of Seychelles Independence Day.

Zotte tout OK ?

(Focus on artisanal fishers)

  • We are here to acknowledge the important role of artisanal fishers in the life of communities in Seychelles and in ensuring fish supply for local consumption.
  • However, we also have to recognise the challenges they face to land their catches, store and sell their fish in hygienic conditions, and at the same time ensure fish supply for local consumption and a decent income to support their families.
  • This is why the European Union is proud of its longstanding partnership with the Seychelles and to have financed this new facility for the Seychelles fishing community which will facilitate the fishermen's work and improve their livelihoods.
  • This facility, which is now the biggest one in Mahé island, is becoming a model of support to artisanal fisheries in Seychelles.
  • The European Union recognizes the crucial importance of artisanal fishing in Seychelles and the broader Indian Ocean region.
  • Artisanal fisheries are not just an economic activity; they are a way of life.
  • Support to artisanal fisheries is also part of the EU's values and priorities, and it is reflected in our Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement, which has allowed to construct several fisheries facility in Mahé, Praslin and La Digue.
  • This has been possible thanks to our close collaboration with the Seychelles Fishing Authority and the Ministry for Fisheries and Blue Economy. I wish to convey my sincere thanks to their teams for that.

(The EU-Seychelles fisheries partnership)

  • We have a longstanding partnership with Seychelles in the area of fisheries. Actually, we signed our first Fisheries Partnership Agreement in 1987.
  • This agreement is more than just a commercial arrangement. It provides significant economic and social advantages for both Seychelles and the European Union. For Seychelles, the agreement ensures access to European markets, providing a stable income for local fishers and supporting the national economy. For the EU, it ensures a reliable supply of high-quality seafood, contributing to food security and consumer satisfaction.
  • Our current agreement provides a common framework to :
  • First, supervise and control fishing activities
  • Second, promote scientific research and cooperation to preserve the stocks and the marine resources
  • Third, promote job creation at sea and on land along the tuna value chain.
  • Ultimately, our goal is to ensure that the marine resources of Seychelles are used sustainably, because this sustainable approach is crucial for the long-term preservation of marine resources and the well-being of coastal communities.
  • This agreement is a testament to the strength of our partnership and our shared values. It also reflects our mutual understanding that sustainable management of marine resources is not only an environmental necessity but also a foundation for long-term economic stability and prosperity.
  • By working together, we can create a model of sustainable fisheries management, as demonstrated by our common position in the recent Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Meeting in Bangkok where our collaboration has been reiterated and even reinforced. The IOTC is essential for promoting transparency in catch data, bycatch, and discards management. Seychelles' leadership in this commission has been critical in driving forward policies that ensure sustainable and transparent fishing practices, benefitting not just the region but the global community.
  • Allow me to highlight that our fisheries agreement includes a specific provision for a dedicated marine environmental fund to which purse seine ship-owners should contribute. This fund, which is managed by the Seychelles authorities, is used for the collection of abandoned Fish Aggregating Devices drifting in the Seychelles EEZ.
  • I would also like to take this opportunity to highlight the unique agreement between the European Union, Mayotte, and Seychelles. This mirror agreement to the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement is unparalleled globally and showcases Seychelles' pioneering role in resource management and fisheries relations with the European Union.
  • Fisheries is a key pillar of the Seychelles economy. In addition to our Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement, we also have the Economic Partnership Agreement that provides duty free quota free access to the EU Single Market to fisheries products from Seychelles. Today, Seychelles is the third exporter of canned tuna and loins to the EU market.

Excellency, Mr President,

(The future)

  • I wish to confirm our steadfast commitment to continue to work with Seychelles to promote a sustainable and resilient fisheries sector.
  • Our support will build on actions we have already implemented and are implementing such as the purchase of specific equipment to allow the Seychelles Bureau of Standards to test the quality of water used for fish processing and the training of skilled professionals at the Seychelles Maritime Academy.
  • Our support also includes cooperation with the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) to support to the national authorities to combat IUU fishing as part of the E€OFISH regional programme and support to female and young entrepreneurs in the fisheries sector as part of the ENFA-OI regional programme for entrepreneurship and business facilitation.
  • Before I conclude, let me say that you can be proud of the quality of your fish here in Seychelles. I have travelled in many countries but here in Seychelles, the fish is really exceptional.
  • We should continue to work together for the sustainable management of fisheries resources and the development of a thriving artisanal fishers community.
  • We are also looking forward to intensify our cooperation also in other related areas such hygienic standards, food security, fight against maritime crimes, among which illegal fishing, and the modernization of the port of Victoria.
  • We trust Seychelles and our longstanding partnership to move forward in these areas of cooperation and all others that we have been developing together, to ensure to coastal communities and the fishing sector a prosperous future.

I wish all Seychellois a wonderful National day!