American Funds Insurance Series

10/31/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/31/2024 11:54

Summary Prospectus by Investment Company - Form 497K

American Funds Insurance Series®

U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund

Summary prospectus
Class 1 shares

November 1, 2024

Before you invest, you may want to review the fund's prospectus and statement of additional information, which contain more information about the fund and its risks. You can find the fund's prospectus, statement of additional information, reports to shareholders and other information about the fund online at You can also get this information at no cost by calling (800) 421-9900, ext. 65413 or by sending an email request to [email protected]. The current prospectus and statement of additional information, dated November 1, 2024, are incorporated by reference into this summary prospectus.

Investment objective The fund's investment objective is to seek capital appreciation.

Fees and expenses of the fundThis table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 1 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 1
Management fee 0.45%
Other expenses 0.10
Total annual fund operating expenses1 0.55
Expense reimbursement2 0.01
Total annual fund operating expenses after fee waiver 0.54

1Based on estimated amounts for the current fiscal year.

2The investment adviser is currently reimbursing a portion of the other expenses. This reimbursement will be in effect through at least May 1, 2026. The adviser may elect at its discretion to extend, modify or terminate the reimbursement at that time.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 1 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the expense reimbursement described above through the expiration date of such reimbursement and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

1 year 3 years
Class 1 $55 $175

Portfolio turnoverThe fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or "turns over" its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund's investment results. Because the fund has not commenced investment operations as of the date of this prospectus, information regarding the fund's portfolio turnover rate is not shown.

1 American Funds Insurance Series - U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund / Summary prospectus

Principal investment strategies Under normal market conditions, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in common stocks and other equity-type securities (including preferred stock, convertible securities and hybrid securities) of small and mid-capitalization companies in the United States. The investment adviser currently defines "small and mid-capitalization companies" to be companies whose market capitalizations typically fall within the range of the Russell 2500 Index or the Russell Midcap Index. As of July 1, 2024, the largest company for the Russell 2500 Index had a market capitalization of approximately $18.6 billion and the largest company for the Russell Midcap Index had a market capitalization of approximately $55.9 billion. The market capitalization of the companies included in the Russell 2500 Index and the Russell Midcap Index will change with market conditions. The fund strives to maintain a fully invested portfolio.

The fund is nondiversified, which allows it to invest a greater percentage of its assets in any one issuer than would otherwise be the case.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund's assets. Under this approach, a portfolio is divided into segments managed by individual managers. For more information regarding the investment process of the fund, see the "Management and organization" section of this prospectus.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund's portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

American Funds Insurance Series - U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund / Summary prospectus 2

Principal risksThis section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions - The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline - sometimes rapidly or unpredictably - due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund's investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks - The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer's goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer's financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in small and mid-capitalization companies - Investing in small and mid-capitalization companies may pose additional risks. For example, it is often more difficult to value or dispose of smaller company stocks and more difficult to obtain information about smaller companies than about larger companies. Furthermore, smaller companies often have limited product lines, operating histories, markets and/or financial resources, may be dependent on one or a few key persons for management, and can be more susceptible to losses. Moreover, the prices of their stocks may be more volatile than stocks of larger, more established companies, particularly during times of market turmoil.

Liquidity risk - Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Nondiversification - The fund is nondiversified, which allows it to invest a greater percentage of its assets in any one issuer than would otherwise be the case. To the extent that the fund invests a larger percentage of its assets in securities of one or more issuers, poor performance by these securities could have a greater adverse impact on the fund's investment results.

Management - The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund's investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.

3 American Funds Insurance Series - U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund / Summary prospectus

Investment resultsBecause the fund has not commenced investment operations as of the date of this prospectus, information regarding investment results is not available as of the date of this prospectus.


Investment adviserCapital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managersThe individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Matt Hochstetler Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors
Roz Hongsaranagon Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors
Dimitrije M. Mitrinovic Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors
Andraz Razen Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds - and not the holders of variable insurance contracts - are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediariesThe fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.

You can access the fund's statutory prospectus or SAI at
INA1IPX-195-1124P Printed in USA CGD/AFD/8024 Investment Company File No. 811-03857

American Funds Insurance Series®

U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund

Summary prospectus
Class 1A shares

November 1, 2024

Before you invest, you may want to review the fund's prospectus and statement of additional information, which contain more information about the fund and its risks. You can find the fund's prospectus, statement of additional information, reports to shareholders and other information about the fund online at You can also get this information at no cost by calling (800) 421-9900, ext. 65413 or by sending an email request to [email protected]. The current prospectus and statement of additional information, dated November 1, 2024, are incorporated by reference into this summary prospectus.

Investment objective The fund's investment objective is to seek capital appreciation.

Fees and expenses of the fundThis table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 1A shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 1A
Management fee 0.45%
Other expenses1 0.35
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.80
Expense reimbursement2 0.01
Total annual fund operating expenses after expense reimbursement 0.79

1Based on estimated amounts for the current fiscal year.

2The investment adviser is currently reimbursing a portion of the other expenses. This reimbursement will be in effect through at least May 1, 2026. The adviser may elect at its discretion to extend, modify or terminate the reimbursement at that time.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 1A shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the expense reimbursement described above through the expiration date of such reimbursement and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

1 year 3 years
Class 1A $81 $255

Portfolio turnoverThe fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or "turns over" its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund's investment results. Because the fund has not commenced investment operations as of the date of this prospectus, information regarding the fund's portfolio turnover rate is not shown.

1 American Funds Insurance Series - U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund / Summary prospectus

Principal investment strategies Under normal market conditions, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in common stocks and other equity-type securities (including preferred stock, convertible securities and hybrid securities) of small and mid-capitalization companies in the United States. The investment adviser currently defines "small and mid-capitalization companies" to be companies whose market capitalizations typically fall within the range of the Russell 2500 Index or the Russell Midcap Index. As of July 1, 2024, the largest company for the Russell 2500 Index had a market capitalization of approximately $18.6 billion and the largest company for the Russell Midcap Index had a market capitalization of approximately $55.9 billion. The market capitalization of the companies included in the Russell 2500 Index and the Russell Midcap Index will change with market conditions. The fund strives to maintain a fully invested portfolio.

The fund is nondiversified, which allows it to invest a greater percentage of its assets in any one issuer than would otherwise be the case.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund's assets. Under this approach, a portfolio is divided into segments managed by individual managers. For more information regarding the investment process of the fund, see the "Management and organization" section of this prospectus.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund's portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

American Funds Insurance Series - U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund / Summary prospectus 2

Principal risksThis section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions - The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline - sometimes rapidly or unpredictably - due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund's investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks - The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer's goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer's financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in small and mid-capitalization companies - Investing in small and mid-capitalization companies may pose additional risks. For example, it is often more difficult to value or dispose of smaller company stocks and more difficult to obtain information about smaller companies than about larger companies. Furthermore, smaller companies often have limited product lines, operating histories, markets and/or financial resources, may be dependent on one or a few key persons for management, and can be more susceptible to losses. Moreover, the prices of their stocks may be more volatile than stocks of larger, more established companies, particularly during times of market turmoil.

Liquidity risk - Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Nondiversification - The fund is nondiversified, which allows it to invest a greater percentage of its assets in any one issuer than would otherwise be the case. To the extent that the fund invests a larger percentage of its assets in securities of one or more issuers, poor performance by these securities could have a greater adverse impact on the fund's investment results.

Management - The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund's investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.

3 American Funds Insurance Series - U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund / Summary prospectus

Investment resultsBecause the fund has not commenced investment operations as of the date of this prospectus, information regarding investment results is not available as of the date of this prospectus.


Investment adviserCapital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managersThe individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Matt Hochstetler Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors
Roz Hongsaranagon Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors
Dimitrije M. Mitrinovic Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors
Andraz Razen Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds - and not the holders of variable insurance contracts - are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediariesThe fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.

You can access the fund's statutory prospectus or SAI at
INA5IPX-195-1124P Printed in USA CGD/AFD/8024 Investment Company File No. 811-03857

American Funds Insurance Series®

U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund

Summary prospectus
Class 2 shares

November 1, 2024

Before you invest, you may want to review the fund's prospectus and statement of additional information, which contain more information about the fund and its risks. You can find the fund's prospectus, statement of additional information, reports to shareholders and other information about the fund online at You can also get this information at no cost by calling (800) 421-9900, ext. 65413 or by sending an email request to [email protected]. The current prospectus and statement of additional information, dated November 1, 2024, are incorporated by reference into this summary prospectus.

Investment objective The fund's investment objective is to seek capital appreciation.

Fees and expenses of the fundThis table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 2 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 2
Management fee 0.45%
Distribution and/or service (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses1 0.10
Total annual fund operating expenses 0.80
Expense reimbursement2 0.01
Total annual fund operating expenses after expense reimbursement 0.79

1Based on estimated amounts for the current fiscal year.

2The investment adviser is currently reimbursing a portion of the other expenses. This reimbursement will be in effect through at least May 1, 2026. The adviser may elect at its discretion to extend, modify or terminate the reimbursement at that time.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 2 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the expense reimbursement described above through the expiration date of such reimbursement and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

1 year 3 years
Class 2 $81 $255

Portfolio turnoverThe fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or "turns over" its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund's investment results. Because the fund has not commenced investment operations as of the date of this prospectus, information regarding the fund's portfolio turnover rate is not shown.

1 American Funds Insurance Series - U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund / Summary prospectus

Principal investment strategies Under normal market conditions, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in common stocks and other equity-type securities (including preferred stock, convertible securities and hybrid securities) of small and mid-capitalization companies in the United States. The investment adviser currently defines "small and mid-capitalization companies" to be companies whose market capitalizations typically fall within the range of the Russell 2500 Index or the Russell Midcap Index. As of July 1, 2024, the largest company for the Russell 2500 Index had a market capitalization of approximately $18.6 billion and the largest company for the Russell Midcap Index had a market capitalization of approximately $55.9 billion. The market capitalization of the companies included in the Russell 2500 Index and the Russell Midcap Index will change with market conditions. The fund strives to maintain a fully invested portfolio.

The fund is nondiversified, which allows it to invest a greater percentage of its assets in any one issuer than would otherwise be the case.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund's assets. Under this approach, a portfolio is divided into segments managed by individual managers. For more information regarding the investment process of the fund, see the "Management and organization" section of this prospectus.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund's portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

American Funds Insurance Series - U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund / Summary prospectus 2

Principal risksThis section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions - The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline - sometimes rapidly or unpredictably - due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund's investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks - The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer's goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer's financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in small and mid-capitalization companies - Investing in small and mid-capitalization companies may pose additional risks. For example, it is often more difficult to value or dispose of smaller company stocks and more difficult to obtain information about smaller companies than about larger companies. Furthermore, smaller companies often have limited product lines, operating histories, markets and/or financial resources, may be dependent on one or a few key persons for management, and can be more susceptible to losses. Moreover, the prices of their stocks may be more volatile than stocks of larger, more established companies, particularly during times of market turmoil.

Liquidity risk - Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Nondiversification - The fund is nondiversified, which allows it to invest a greater percentage of its assets in any one issuer than would otherwise be the case. To the extent that the fund invests a larger percentage of its assets in securities of one or more issuers, poor performance by these securities could have a greater adverse impact on the fund's investment results.

Management - The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund's investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.

3 American Funds Insurance Series - U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund / Summary prospectus

Investment resultsBecause the fund has not commenced investment operations as of the date of this prospectus, information regarding investment results is not available as of the date of this prospectus.


Investment adviserCapital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managersThe individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Matt Hochstetler Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors
Roz Hongsaranagon Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors
Dimitrije M. Mitrinovic Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors
Andraz Razen Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds - and not the holders of variable insurance contracts - are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediariesThe fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.

You can access the fund's statutory prospectus or SAI at
INA2IPX-195-1124P Printed in USA CGD/AFD/8024 Investment Company File No. 811-03857

American Funds Insurance Series®

U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund

Summary prospectus
Class 4 shares

November 1, 2024

Before you invest, you may want to review the fund's prospectus and statement of additional information, which contain more information about the fund and its risks. You can find the fund's prospectus, statement of additional information, reports to shareholders and other information about the fund online at You can also get this information at no cost by calling (800) 421-9900, ext. 65413 or by sending an email request to [email protected]. The current prospectus and statement of additional information, dated November 1, 2024, are incorporated by reference into this summary prospectus.

Investment objectiveThe fund's investment objective is to seek capital appreciation.

Fees and expenses of the fundThis table describes the fees and expenses that you may pay if you buy, hold and sell an interest in Class 4 shares of the fund. You may pay other fees, such as insurance contract fees and expenses, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.If insurance contract fees and expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher.

Annual fund operating expenses (expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment) Class 4
Management fee 0.45%
Distribution (12b-1) fees 0.25
Other expenses1 0.35
Total annual fund operating expenses 1.05
Expense reimbursement2 0.01
Total annual fund operating expenses after expense reimbursement 1.04

1Based on estimated amounts for the current fiscal year.

2The investment adviser is currently reimbursing a portion of the other expenses. This reimbursement will be in effect through at least May 1, 2026. The adviser may elect at its discretion to extend, modify or terminate the reimbursement at that time.

Example This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in Class 4 shares of the fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

The example assumes that you invest $10,000 in the fund for the time periods indicated and then redeem or hold all of your shares at the end of those periods. The example also assumes that your investment has a 5% return each year and that the fund's operating expenses remain the same. The example does not reflect insurance contract expenses. If insurance contract expenses were reflected, expenses shown would be higher. The example reflects the expense reimbursement described above through the expiration date of such reimbursement and total annual fund operating expenses thereafter. No sales charge (load) or other fees are charged by the fund upon redemption, so you would incur these hypothetical costs whether or not you were to redeem your shares at the end of the given period. Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions your costs would be:

1 year 3 years
Class 4 $106 $333

Portfolio turnoverThe fund pays transaction costs, such as commissions, when it buys and sells securities (or "turns over" its portfolio). A higher portfolio turnover rate may indicate higher transaction costs. These costs, which are not reflected in annual fund operating expenses or in the example, affect the fund's investment results. Because the fund has not commenced investment operations as of the date of this prospectus, information regarding the fund's portfolio turnover rate is not shown.

1 American Funds Insurance Series - U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund / Summary prospectus

Principal investment strategies Under normal market conditions, the fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in common stocks and other equity-type securities (including preferred stock, convertible securities and hybrid securities) of small and mid-capitalization companies in the United States. The investment adviser currently defines "small and mid-capitalization companies" to be companies whose market capitalizations typically fall within the range of the Russell 2500 Index or the Russell Midcap Index. As of July 1, 2024, the largest company for the Russell 2500 Index had a market capitalization of approximately $18.6 billion and the largest company for the Russell Midcap Index had a market capitalization of approximately $55.9 billion. The market capitalization of the companies included in the Russell 2500 Index and the Russell Midcap Index will change with market conditions. The fund strives to maintain a fully invested portfolio.

The fund is nondiversified, which allows it to invest a greater percentage of its assets in any one issuer than would otherwise be the case.

The investment adviser uses a system of multiple portfolio managers in managing the fund's assets. Under this approach, a portfolio is divided into segments managed by individual managers. For more information regarding the investment process of the fund, see the "Management and organization" section of this prospectus.

The fund relies on the professional judgment of its investment adviser to make decisions about the fund's portfolio investments. The basic investment philosophy of the investment adviser is to seek to invest in attractively valued companies that, in its opinion, represent good, long-term investment opportunities. Securities may be sold when the investment adviser believes that they no longer represent relatively attractive investment opportunities.

American Funds Insurance Series - U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund / Summary prospectus 2

Principal risksThis section describes the principal risks associated with investing in the fund. You may lose money by investing in the fund. The likelihood of loss may be greater if you invest for a shorter period of time.

Market conditions - The prices of, and the income generated by, the securities held by the fund may decline - sometimes rapidly or unpredictably - due to various factors, including events or conditions affecting the general economy or particular industries or companies; overall market changes; local, regional or global political, social or economic instability; governmental, governmental agency or central bank responses to economic conditions; changes in inflation rates; and currency exchange rate, interest rate and commodity price fluctuations.

Economies and financial markets throughout the world are highly interconnected. Economic, financial or political events, trading and tariff arrangements, wars, terrorism, cybersecurity events, natural disasters, public health emergencies (such as the spread of infectious disease), bank failures and other circumstances in one country or region, including actions taken by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities in response to any of the foregoing, could have impacts on global economies or markets. As a result, whether or not the fund invests in securities of issuers located in or with significant exposure to the countries affected, the value and liquidity of the fund's investments may be negatively affected by developments in other countries and regions.

Issuer risks - The prices of, and the income generated by, securities held by the fund may decline in response to various factors directly related to the issuers of such securities, including reduced demand for an issuer's goods or services, poor management performance, major litigation, investigations or other controversies related to the issuer, changes in the issuer's financial condition or credit rating, changes in government regulations affecting the issuer or its competitive environment and strategic initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or dispositions and the market response to any such initiatives. An individual security may also be affected by factors relating to the industry or sector of the issuer or the securities markets as a whole, and conversely an industry or sector or the securities markets may be affected by a change in financial condition or other event affecting a single issuer.

Investing in small and mid-capitalization companies - Investing in small and mid-capitalization companies may pose additional risks. For example, it is often more difficult to value or dispose of smaller company stocks and more difficult to obtain information about smaller companies than about larger companies. Furthermore, smaller companies often have limited product lines, operating histories, markets and/or financial resources, may be dependent on one or a few key persons for management, and can be more susceptible to losses. Moreover, the prices of their stocks may be more volatile than stocks of larger, more established companies, particularly during times of market turmoil.

Liquidity risk - Certain fund holdings may be or may become difficult or impossible to sell, particularly during times of market turmoil. Liquidity may be impacted by the lack of an active market for a holding, legal or contractual restrictions on resale, or the reduced number and capacity of market participants to make a market in such holding. Market prices for less liquid or illiquid holdings may be volatile or difficult to determine, and reduced liquidity may have an adverse impact on the market price of such holdings. Additionally, the sale of less liquid or illiquid holdings may involve substantial delays (including delays in settlement) and additional costs and the fund may be unable to sell such holdings when necessary to meet its liquidity needs or to try to limit losses, or may be forced to sell at a loss.

Nondiversification - The fund is nondiversified, which allows it to invest a greater percentage of its assets in any one issuer than would otherwise be the case. To the extent that the fund invests a larger percentage of its assets in securities of one or more issuers, poor performance by these securities could have a greater adverse impact on the fund's investment results.

Management - The investment adviser to the fund actively manages the fund's investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses, including models, tools and data, employed by the investment adviser in this process may be flawed or incorrect and may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.

Your investment in the fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other governmental agency, entity or person. You should consider how this fund fits into your overall investment program.

3 American Funds Insurance Series - U.S. Small and Mid Cap Equity Fund / Summary prospectus

Investment resultsBecause the fund has not commenced investment operations as of the date of this prospectus, information regarding investment results is not available as of the date of this prospectus.


Investment adviserCapital Research and Management Company
Portfolio managersThe individuals primarily responsible for the portfolio management of the fund are:

Portfolio manager/
Series title (if applicable)
in this fund
Primary title
with investment adviser
Matt Hochstetler Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors
Roz Hongsaranagon Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors
Dimitrije M. Mitrinovic Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors
Andraz Razen Less than 1 year
(since the fund's inception (2024))
Partner - Capital World Investors

Purchase and sale of fund shares Shares of the fund are not sold directly to the general public. The fund is offered only as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts, and insurance company separate accounts and qualified feeder funds - and not the holders of variable insurance contracts - are the shareholders of the fund. Although the fund does not require a minimum amount for initial or subsequent purchases from insurance companies, your insurance company may impose investment minimums for your purchase of the fund.

You may sell (redeem) shares on any business day. You must sell (redeem) shares through your insurance company.

Tax information See your variable insurance contract prospectus for information regarding the federal income tax treatment of your variable insurance contract and related distributions.

Payments to broker-dealers and other financial intermediariesThe fund is not sold directly to the general public but instead is offered as an underlying investment option for variable insurance contracts. The fund and its related companies may make payments to the sponsoring insurance company (or its affiliates) for distribution and/or other services. These payments may be a factor that the insurance company considers in including the fund as an underlying investment option in the variable insurance contract. The prospectus (or other offering document) for your variable insurance contract may contain additional information about these payments.

You can access the fund's statutory prospectus or SAI at
INA4IPX-195-1124P Printed in USA CGD/AFD/8024 Investment Company File No. 811-03857