10/02/2024 | Press release | Archived content

ENAIRE's CEO, Enrique Maurer, awarded the Grand Cross of Aeronautical Merit

02 OCT2024

ENAIRE's CEO, Enrique Maurer, awarded the Grand Cross of Aeronautical Merit

This morning, ENAIRE's CEO, Enrique Maurer, received the Grand Cross for Aeronautical Merit with white badge from the Air and Space Force, issued in June in the wake of the proclamation of H.M. the King via Royal Decree 560/2024 of 11 June.

The event was chaired by Air Force Gen. Francisco Braco Carbo, Chief of Staff of the Air and Space Force, and took place at its headquarters. "It is a source of pride to have received an award that recognises the entire ENAIRE team for their values, commitment, and excellence in the aeronautical sector", said Enrique Maurer.

[The Chief of the General Staff of the Air and Space Army, Air General Francisco Braco, awarded the Grand Cross to Enrique Maurer].

The Grand Cross versions of the Military, Naval and Aeronautical Merit Crosses are regulated by Royal Decree 1040/2003 of 1 August, which approves the General Regulation of Military Awards. Their purpose is to reward and distinguish military personnel for their deeds and actions, or for providing meritorious or outstanding service, as well as civil personnel for meritorious activities related to National Defence.

Enrique Maurer has a degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, specialising in Air Navigation and Transport. He completed the General Management Programme at the IESE Business School in 2010. In 1994, he joined Aena, where he worked in the Air Navigation Department in the field of communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS).

From March 2012 to March 2017, he was Systems Director at ENAIRE, responsible for managing communication, navigation and surveillance systems, and for technical operations and information systems. He has been the CEO of ENAIRE since June 2023.

Other people in the aeronautical field who have received it are Ángel Luis Arias Serano, representative of Spain at the International Civil Aviation Organization (Royal Decree 1087/2017 of 29 December); Isabel Maestre Moreno (Royal Decree 382/2019 of 14 June); Carmen Librero (Royal Decree 755/2019 of 27 December); Raúl Medina Caballero, Managing Director of EUROCONTROL (Royal Decree 1203/2021 of 28 December); and Javier Marín San Andrés, Executive Vice-President of Aena (Royal Decree 480/2022 of 14 June).

[Enrique Maurer (fourth from the left) receives the distinction at the General Staff Headquarters of the Air and Space Army].


ENAIRE is the air navigation service provider in Spain.

As a company of the Ministry of Sustainable Transport and Mobility, it provides en route control services for all flights and overflights from five control centres in Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Gran Canaria and Palma, as well as approach services to every airport in the country.

In addition, 46 airports receive communication, navigation and surveillance services from ENAIRE, which also maintains their air traffic control systems, and 21 of them, including the country's busiest airports, rely on its aerodrome air traffic control services.

ENAIRE is Europe's fourth largest air traffic manager and participates in the A6 Alliance, a coalition of air navigation providers responsible for over 80% of European air traffic, and which is seeking to modernise the air traffic management system. It is also a member of other international alliances promoting the Single European sky, such as SESAR Joint Undertaking, SESAR Deployment Manager, iTEC, CANSO and ICAO.

ENAIRE, as the responsible agency identified by the Ministry of Sustainable Transport and Mobility to implement the U-Space system in Spain, will, through its digital platform, provide the Common Information Services (CIS), which are essential to facilitate U-space services to drones and Urban Air Mobility in cooperation with local air traffic services, so that all types of aircraft can fly safely in the same airspace.

ENAIRE has received the highest score in Europe on the aviation safety key performance indicator for four years in a row. It has also been awarded the EFQM 600 Seal for its safe, efficient, innovative and sustainable management of air navigation services.